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Eventually each of the over 10,000 essay-text-web-pages - - - will offer features such as you find on this web page. See the very bottom of this page for links to web pages about Peak-Oil and Transitioning to a Sustainable-Civilization. Cautions about Planet-Earth running out of fossil-fuels.

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As of April 26, 2010 there were 9,993 essay-texts uploaded and available HERE BELOW and/or via and this web page. Attention will NOW turn to augmenting the set of essay-finding-tools so that on each web-page for each essay-text, there will be present - - - links to ways to find other essays related to the essay-text on that web page: by near-date, by being alike-and-unlike the present text; in in terms of the most-frequently-present key-words in various ways. Links to other finding-tools will also be provided on each essay-text web-page; e.g., ways to find essays that are particularly relevant to efforts to Mitigate-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts; and to related topics described in terms of the first three to five letters in "Word-Starts" - - - combined in a variety of relevant ways; as transparently - - - as can be devised.

======================================= 0811 ==> yymm ==> 2008 November ======================================= b0811031.htm b0811071.htm b0811073.htm b0811081.htm b0811091.htm b0811092.htm b0811111.htm b0811112.htm b0811113.htm b0811121.htm b0811122.htm b0811141.htm b0811142.htm b0811143.htm b0811151.htm b0811161.htm b0811171.htm b0811172.htm b0811181.htm b0811182.htm b0811201.htm b0811211.htm b0811221.htm b0811222.htm b0811231.htm b0811251.htm b0811261.htm b0811262.htm b0811263.htm b0811271.htm b0811272.htm b0811281.htm b0811291.htm b0811292.htm b0811301.htm b0811302.htm b0811303.htm b0811304.htm ======================================= 0812 ==> yymm ==> 2008 December ======================================= b0812011.htm b0812012.htm b0812021.htm b0812031.htm b0812032.htm b0812033.htm b0812034.htm b0812041.htm b0812042.htm b0812043.htm b0812051.htm b0812052.htm b0812061.htm b0812071.htm b0812081.htm b0812091.htm b0812101.htm b0812102.htm b0812111.htm b0812112.htm b0812113.htm 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======================================= 0911 ==> yymm ==> 2009 November ======================================= b0911011.htm b0911012.htm b0911041.htm b0911061.htm b0911062.htm b0911063.htm b0911071.htm b0911072.htm b0911081.htm b0911082.htm b0911091.htm b0911092.htm b0911093.htm b0911101.htm b0911111.htm b0911112.htm b0911121.htm b0911131.htm b0911132.htm b0911141.htm b0911142.htm b0911143.htm b0911151.htm b0911161.htm b0911162.htm b0911171.htm b0911181.htm b0911191.htm b0911192.htm b0911201.htm b0911202.htm b0911211.htm b0911212.htm b0911221.htm b0911231.htm b0911232.htm b0911241.htm b0911242.htm b0911243.htm b0911244.htm b0911245.htm b0911271.htm b0911281.htm b0911291.htm b0911301.htm ======================================= 0912 ==> yymm ==> 2009 December ======================================= b0912011.htm b0912012.htm b0912013.htm b0912014.htm b0912021.htm b0912022.htm b0912031.htm b0912032.htm b0912041.htm b0912042.htm b0912043.htm b0912044.htm b0912051.htm b0912052.htm 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