Course Keys **** The following are suggestive of possible foci for teams of two to four students to collaborate on, within the context of a course on how to facilitate people's own efforts to Mitigate-their-own-Conflicts: 1. Create a series-of-lesson-plans for some particular-age-group of students focusing upon Alienative-Conflicts that the age-group can meaningfully relate to, care about, and lay-foundations for responding to the Alienative-Conflicts in ways that will likely Mitigate-the-Conflicts and the Alienations generated by the Alienative-Conflicts. 2. Write poetry, short-stories, songs, music, essays, research-papers, etc designed to encourage people to seek to work collaborative on mitigating-their-own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - putting to use their own particular skills, talents insights, and passions. 3. Write and get published, letters to editors of newspapers and/or magazines - - - encouraging people to engage in some ways, efforts to help people to facilitate their mitigation - - - of their own current Alienative-Conflicts. 4. Obtain and review materials from organizations that are focusing attentions in some ways that are relevant to the mitigation of Alienative Conflicts, and write reviews of their various ways of focusing attentions and efforts; along with comparisons to some essays here at - - - to stimulate thought and open-and-honest-discussions of their relative merits of various ways - - - within various contexts. 5. Obtain materials from training-centers/schools of: Diplomacy, Mediation, Negotiation, Arbitration, Meditation, Discernment, Police-Training, Labor-Unions, Theological-Seminaries, National-Church-Offices, Peace-Institutes, Book-Publishers, United-Nations, etc. - - - and as above : review, compare contrast and evaluate the various approaches. 6. Review different religious scriptures and secular writings - - - that are related to ways to help people to find ways to mitigate their own Alienative-Conflicts - - - for the benefit of all persons involved. 7. Review often used texts and professional writings of: psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, political- scientists, economists, lawyers, military-scientists, physicists, chemists, geologists, geographers, etc. - - - and critique how helpful they have been in helping us to move forward in efforts to mitigate our own Alienative-Conflicts. 8. Experiment in trying to get a blog, twitter or related interacting group of people to address in meaningful ways the challenges in trying to Mitigate-Alienative-Conflicts within those kinds of environments; where people are not fully present to each other in-person - - - with access to body-language, eye-contact, touch, etc. 9. Write to national leaders and members of congress/legislatures about facilitating the mitigation of their own Alienative-Conflicts - - - trying to start an open and honest dialogue with such leaders about the challenges involved and how best to transcend those challenges. 10. Study what has been done in a few school districts, in regards to working to Mitigate-Alienative-Conflicts within the school and playground and other social environments associated with the schools; public, private, grade, middle, high, college, university or graduate schools - - - as the case may be for each group of students. 11. Explore what neighborhood associations have done about mitigating-alienative-conflicts within their own neighborhoods; possibly in conjunction with police and other local governmental agencies. 12. Explore what Better-Business-Bureaus and Chambers-of-Commerce have done to help people within their own communities to Mitigate-Alienative-Conflicts in their interactions with each other. 13. Explore how political party platforms, legislatures and Congress - - - have addressed the above challenges and issues. 14. Explore how the United-Nations' Agencies have addressed the above challenges and issues.