Counter of visitors ===> <=== Click on for information.

                  Each time that Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters settle down to enjoy their 
                Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes of Wealth-and-Power Concentrations - - -

                  True-Lovers and Mitigators of Egocentric-Alienative-conflicts - - -

              Need to Re-Members to Re-Integrate their Coherent-Sets of Mutually-Complementary 
                  Core: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds for Hope - - -

      within the Contexts of Shalom's Sanctuaries for Un-Restrained Open-and-Honest Dialogues  about- - -

      which of the Poor-People's Most-Healthy-Basic-Needs - - - are   Not-Yet   Being-Met  Head-On  - - -

                            in Open-and-Honest-Ways of Love of Neighbors - - -

           within God's Astronomically  Tiny-and-Isolated   Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth - - -

    with its  Enclosed-Load  of   FINITE   Essential-Material-Resources and the Long-Lasting-Flow of
        Electromagnetic Energy from the nearest star - - - with other stars unimaginably distant.

     It is time to Bestir ourselves in Neighborly-Love within Shalom's-Most-Sustainable-Sanctuaries

                             Within God's Space-Ship-Earth ==> Mother-Earth!

                         Be-Graciously-Together  Within-Shalom  Sustainable-Ways!