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Creative people of different kinds/types have Imaginations and skills of different kinds/styles; for example:

Visual      Image         Musical       Poetic        Rhythm          Dance         Linguistic        Articulation

Rational    Logical       Numeric       Relational    Reflexive       Analytic      Integrative       Intimate

Sexual      Diplomatic    Reconciling   Cooperation   Collaborative   Coordination  Balancing         Diplomatic

Creative people can imagine realities that have not yet existed - - - and believe that it is possible to bring
many new realities into being - - - to make them real, to real-ize them as new creations.

Creative people have the sense of possibility-and-impossibility - - - and avoid wasting time and effort on what
is not-really-possible - - - so that they have time to create what is-really-possible.

People who work to Graciously-Mitigate-their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts; can-imagine and realize-new:

Reconciliations    Cooperations    Collaborations   Communications     Intimacies       Listening      Dialogues

Confirmations      Integrities     Descriptions     Articulations      Explanations     Civilities     Friendships

Mitigations        Hospitality     Generosity       Sharing            Understandings   Covenants      Security

Safety             Confidence      Health           Values             Ideals           Visions        Virtues

Dreams             Principles      HOpe             Mission            Vocations        Integrity      Authenticity

Shalom             Peace           Neighborhoods    Friendships        Trust            Confidence     Vision

Non-Creative People, are usually willing to get along with only-old-things and traditions and-conflicts-without-end.