Counter of visitors ===>

Each person's: behaviors, writing, affirmations, negations, contentions - - - are best assessed contextually in terms of how well they

all    on-the-whole     in-the-ling-term  - - -  graciously-facilitate-and-augment:
Reconciliations       Coperations       Colaborations       Shalom       Integrations   LOVE     Present-Integrities     Authenticity

Open-and-Honest-Dialogues   About-Relative-Need-Levels      Sustainable-Life-Styles     AGAPE    Coherent-Personal-Relationships

Harmony               Creativity        Hospitality         Generosity   Distributive-Justice    Communal-HeaLTH         Reverence

By-Being-Wisely-and-Preudently-Responsive  - - -            To each unique context within which  they are living.


Be Graciously Together in Shalom' Sanctuaries! - - - In Open-and-Honest-Dialogues and Listening-Graciously to Each Other!