Course Keys **** Given any key-word or set-of-key-words of interest used in these approximately 10,000 essays at - - - a reader of these essays may well want help in finding each of the following inter-related resources. It will help for you to read all of these items to know how to find resources that are likely to help you find essays you will appreciate. The focus below is upon letting you know about present and future resources to help you discover: 1. Essays that focus upon your words, in conjunction with What-Related-Words-Point-To; e.g. via lists of such words appearing together and pointing to sets of essays where they can be found. For now see wdstart.htm" 2. What are the cognates of your-word of-interest and other key words which occur frequently with your word of interest? For now see wdstart.htm". There are plans to extend/improve those resources in 2010. 3. For any few relevant key-words of-interest-to-you; what are the essays which most focus upon your own few key-words? For now see wdstart.htm". There are plans to extend/improve those resources in 2010. 4. For each-one-essay, what are the-other-ten-essays which focus most-completely-upon an entirely-different set of key words? During 2010 such a resources will be installed above the text of each essay. 5. For each-one-essay, what are the-other-twenty-essays which focus most-closely-upon-the-same-key-words which the one given essay focuses upon? (Using the same feature in similar essays may expand your reach to more similar essays; in a continuous spectrum of similar essays. Watch for repeats, however!) During 2010 such a resources will be installed above the text of each individual essay.