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KEYS ****

Often Alienative-Feed-Back-Loops - - - Start with a template for recycling the past events:

 /      |                       |                                |                                \
/       |                       |                                |                                /
|   Fighting-Back  ===>  Counter-Attacks         ===>       Getting-Even                   ===>  /
|       |                       |                                |                              /
|       |                       |                                |                             /
|     Grudges      ===>   Defensive-Techniques   ===>  Neglecting-Hospitality           ===>  /  
|       |                       |                                |                           /
|       |                       |                                |                          /   
|     Greed        ===>      Distrust            ===>       Mean-Moods               ===>  /          
|       |                       |                                |                        /

Injuries     Dis-Ease     Sickness    Alienation      Poverty    Distrust    Suspicions