True-Lovers who are qualified to play many different roles are often aware that:

 1. Asking/Expecting people to play major leadership roles, which they are not qualified to play,
at a particular time in a particular context --- may lead to major tragedies.

 2. Some people are temperamentally, by training and/or by experience --- qualified to 
articulate visions of and descriptions of clusters of mutually supportive: assumptions, 
attitudes, approaches, values, ideals, relationships --- that are appropriate to a well 
integrated community that enjoys being graciously together in Shalom's Many Mutually 
Complementary Ways.  

 3. People committed to engaging in such activities, are unlikely to be 
qualified to play-major political-leadership-roles-well at the same time, within communities 
that are suffering daily challenges by Domineering-Bullies and/or Mobbing-Mobsters!

 4. Asking/Expecting such people to play major political leadership-roles-well within a: violent, 
contentious,fragmented, polarized and/or competitive community --- is likely to lead to 

 5. Instead, it will be more helpful to encourage them to do well --- what they are qualified 
and committed to do well; no more and no less --- in coherent ways as True-Lovers!