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KEYS ****

Mortal-Humans cannot with-integrity serve two or more Mutually-Exclusive:  Ultimate-Concerns, Masters, 
Purposes, Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Missions, Persons, Bullies, Goals, Preoccupations, 
Ideologies, Absolute-Truths, Absolute-Commandments, Absolute-Demands, gods, etc.

Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters often try to satisfy Mutually-Exclusive Ultimate-Concerns, Masters, 
Purposes, Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Missions, Persons, Bullies, Goals, Preoccupations, 
Ideologies, Absolute-Truths, Absolute-Commandments, Absolute-Demands, gods, etc.  - - - by presuming to be
able to Serve-Honorable-Purposes by Using Alienative-Techniques/Technologies to Serve-Honorable-Purposes.

Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters are often trying to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception.

Redemption-and-Salvation cannot be advanced by engaging in Alienative: Conflicts, Violence, Coercion, Domination,
Wars, Colonialism, Wealth-Concentrations, Power-Concentrations, Investment-Programs, etc.

We are inevitably going to get trapped in Alienative-Conflicts and Patterns of Alienative-Relationships - - -
whenever we Fail-to-Examine our PRIMARY: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes, Expectations, etc. to
look for Mutually-Exclusive: Demands, Commands, Requirements, Expectations, etc. - - - embedded within what we
are inclined to Affirm-Without-Careful-Questioning-and-Meditation.

To avoid getting trapped in Alienative-Conflicts and Patterns of Alienative-Relationships - - - we need to be
Dedicated to Affirming ONLY: CLUSTERS-of-Mutually-Supportive and Internally-Consistent: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes, Expectations, etc.  In the absence of such dedications - - - we are most likely to
lose our own Personal-and-Communal - - - Integrities and-Health - - - without being aware of what is happening.
Be-Aware and Beware!