2google  a7309011  a9812213  addic  action  bymonth  bywords  commu  confl  conte  contr  critics  essaystr  find  finder
finduse   integ   keywords   likelink  love  peakoil  peopl  perso  recent  scien  scr-q25  scr-x95  trio2  value  webedit

Visitors to this web site since April 12, 2007. Click on the count here at left for more information. ===> Click HERE for the most frequently visited web-pages of essayz.com <=== The map below reports the places in the world from which visitors have come to this web site. The web-master-here turned off public access to the details about the visitors' particulars, while checking to feel confident that privacy would be maintained by www.web-stat.com, the privider of the web site analysis. It is now clear that visitors using a public network with a fixed IP number will have only that fixed IP number revealed by www.web-stat.com. The web-stat reports have been made available to the public --- since it is clear that a high level of privacy is being maintained. See below the map for more information about how your privacy is protected on the web in general.

The map below reflects visits since April 12, 2007.

The map appears on the World Map and in recent which is an old web page.

===> Put your cursor on a dot for more information about the visit represented. <===

===> Click above at the counter at top left for yet more information on visits to this web site. <===

===> Click HERE for the Most Frequently Visited Web Pages.<===

Geo-location by Web-Stat counter statistics - Map by Green-Acres (Centre houses) : Loading Map ...

==> More information is available by clicking on the counter at the top of most pages.<==

Click here for a WORLD MAP OF POPULATION DENSITY; plus more maps and data.

THE TEXT BELOW BETWEEN THE TWO LINES OF ==== comes from www.web-stat.com, the supplier of the map and of more information which is avilable by clicking on the counter number near the top of this web page.

<============ See the note above, just below the world map. =================>

Can you tell me who my visitors are? Can you record their name/address/email/profile? Internet was designed with people's privacy in mind, making it technically impossible to get personal information on your visitors (such as name, email address, profile, etc.) All we can do is detect the IP number and domain name of the server from where the request to your site originated. 99% of the time that request comes from an ISP (i.e. AOL, Compuserve, Earthlink, etc.) and the IP number has been dynamically allocated to the visitor (which means that if the same visitor comes back later he/she will have a different IP number). The only case when you can identify a visitor is when he/she is connecting through a private network with a fixed IP number, but this is not a frequent occurrence. Note that visitor identification is plain impossible : no one can offer that service so don't waste your time looking for it. Keep in mind that in the end this is a blessing : imagine your mailbox every morning if every site you visited could collect your personal information...

<=============== See the note above, just below the world map.===============>

It is clear now that the previous webalyzer reports on this web site did an inadequate job of distinguishing between visits by-live-people exploring this web site --- and automated-exploration of this-and-other-web-sites --- by automatons. A shift to the webalyzer at www.web-stat.com now makes it possible to gather and share appropriate reliable information about the global scope of visitors to this web site; and what they discover and get others to examine --- while exposing to public view only the identities of the computers used by visitors' internet-service-providers --- such as AOL, Compuserve and Earthlink. It is left to visitors who wish to seek each other out locally or over the world-wide-web.



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