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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ENDURING PERPETUAL CONFLICT PRISON RESOLUTION+951121 %COLONIAL NATION WAR ADDICT CODEPENDENT VIOLENCE+951121 %ADOLESCENT REBELLION WIN DOMINATE WEAK VICTIMS 951121 Each unresolved conflict creates prisons for all the people affected by the unresolved conflict. The natures of the prisons depend upon the relative amounts of power of the people affected by the conflict---and upon how they respond to the conflict and the other participants in the conflict. The prisons usually endure as long as the conflicts endure---yet some people learn how to transcend the prisons before the conflicts are resolved; and so are empowered to help to resolve the conflicts. Powerful people often try to overwhelm their opponents in conflicts, seeking to win through superior intelligence, dedication, research, science, technology, strategy, weapons, resources, personnel, training, discipline, etc. The behavior of such people is, nevertheless, determined by the behavior of their less powerful opponents---and often echoes the behavior of their less powerful opponents. They rarely transcend the disintegrative examples set by their opponents. In fact they usually refine and take their opponents examples to extremes. Colonial powers, major nations, dominant political powers, dictators, corporation CEO's, presidents, administrators, and parents often illustrate such tendencies. In their various forms of domination they are imprisoned, because their behaviors are dominated by the people whom they seek to dominate. Weak people usually try out various combinations of subservience, placation, codependence, subversion, depression, lethargy, slow-downs, secrecy, deception, etc. They seek to compensate for their weakness by being subtly clever and covert. Colonies, under-developed nations, peasants, blue-collar workers, manual laborers, adolescents and young children often illustrate such tendencies. They are imprisoned in their various forms of rebellion because their behaviors are dominated by the adversary against whom they rebel. When adversaries are reasonably evenly matched overall as to power---their relationships are dominated by attempts to become dominant in the relationship. Their relationship is a contest in which they seek dominance at the expense of the other. Relationships between the few most powerful nations in the world have often illustrated such patters; e.g., the USA versus the USSR and Red China; or Germany and Italy versus the rest of the European nations and the USA in World War II. Such contestants are dominated by the behaviors of each other and are imprisoned by them; even when they succeed in becoming dominant. The prisons of un-resolved conflicts cannot be escaped by becoming dominant, or even by eliminating the adversary---for the memories of the un-resolved past will endure in the lives of the minds and hearts of the young people who know what happened. The only way to escape from the prisons of un- resolved conflicts is to seek integrative ideals, values and principles in terms of which the participants can find win-win resolutions of their conflicts. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================