blog traffic analysis
This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ISSUES CONTROL KINDS BOUNDARIES LOCATIONS TRAFFIC+980926 %TERRITORY PUNISH MULTI-DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE EVILS+980926 %ALIENATIVE DISINTEGRATIVE CONSEQUENCES FAILURES+980926 %MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINE DEFINITION EXPERIENCE KNOW+980926 %CONTENTIOUS CONFLICT RESOLUTION PEACEMAKE SHALOM 980926 Issues of control over territories vary within a multidimensional universe over which there can be various levels of control and many kinds of conflicts. 1. How are the dimensions of the multidimensional universe defined? What kinds of "things", "realities", "objects", "people", "relationships", "perceptions", "experiences", "knowledge", "desires", "thoughts", "emotions", etc. are distributed about --- can be the foci of issues of control. 2. Within each dimensional realm: "where", "how", by "whom", "why", "when", etc. --- is it legitimate to "draw" boundaries and "control" traffic across the "boundaries" as drawn; and control processes within the "boundaries" as drawn. 3. How are limitations on "territorial" rights to be defined --- without getting trapped in infinitely reflexive conflicts over the legitimacy of how to define the dimensions of the universes-of-territorial-rights? 4. How are we to agree on when the "rights" of some people --- to define and defend territorial rights --- have been encroached upon --- by others who are trying to carve out their own territorial rights to define their territories in regards to: a. A portion of a previously defined kind of territory. b. A new kind of dimensionality as regards possible kinds of domains within which to draw boundaries and defend territories. c. A new way to define intrusions into an owned territory. d. New ways to defend against intrusions into an owned territory. e. New ways to punish people who intrude into an owned territory. f. New ways of defining consequences ---- over which controllers may be expected to have control --- and expect to be punished if they do not maintain proper control. 5. May some people have control over: a. The DEVELOPMENT OF some new kinds of perceptions, experiences, knowledge, means of communication, means of storage of knowledge, emotions, etc? b. The COMMUNICATION OF some new kinds of perceptions, experiences, knowledge, means of communication, means of storage of knowledge, emotions, etc? c. The REPRESSION OF some new kinds of perceptions, experiences, knowledge, means of communication, means of storage of knowledge, emotions, etc? c. The DESTRUCTION OF some new kinds of perceptions, experiences, knowledge, means of communication, means of storage of knowledge, emotions, etc? 6. May it be required that somebody must be in control --- in order to prevent chaos? 7. May it be required that nobody know what is happening --- to protect our collusive games of mutual self deception? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================