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This-essay is a7909061.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %EXPLAINING EXPERIENCES 790906 The raw data which people have to work with are their personal experiences. For explanations to be meaningful they must deal with individual personal experiences. Perceptions are experiences of a very primitive level which have been filtered through various levels of tradition, language, taboos, collusions, generalizations, theories, etc. Perceptions are experienced and so are experiences at a different level. Objective scientists deal exclusively with objective perceptions, and so do not deal with all human experiences. Many human experiences are systematically ignored by objective scientists, and by collusion are often regarded as non-existent. Via such collusions objective scientists pretend they are explaining all that there is to explain. They do not explain why they systematically ignore a wide variety of human experiences. They do not explain why they systematically are silent about many topics which relate to the relationships between college and university teachers of their specialty and the college and graduate school students being acculutrated into their specialty. The way to understand human beings begins with the way to become aware of the full range of human experiences. The blockage of such awareness occasions the blockage of the understanding of human beings. Whatever blocks openness, honesty, and self-disclosure regarding feelings, emotions, desires, visions, fantasies, pleasures, pains, fears, aversions, anxieties, opinions, etc.; the same blocks the way to understanding of human beings. Whatever blocks openness, honesty, and self- disclosure regarding feelings, emotions, desires, visions, fantasies, pleasures, pains, fears, aversions, anxieties, opinions, etc.; the same "thing" blocks the way to understanding of human beings. If the selection of data is biased, no level of sophistication of theory, hypothesis, data analysis, or philosophical speculation can properly compensate---unless the nature of the bias is well understood and honestly dealt with. Colluders do not deal with their biases honestly and so can not compensate for the biased ways in which they select human data for analysis. If objective language is used to point to unexplained phenomena, then all explanations tend to be in objective terms and all the phenomena can be explained in objective terms. By the choice of language selection is make of only those unusual phenomena which can be explained in terms of the language chosen. It says very little about objectivity to note that objective scientists are successful in discovering objective explanations for all objective phenomena which they become aware of. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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