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Many victims of the welfare state of mind and of being have not been victimized in objective ways---yet have adopted many of the characteristic attitudes and perspectives of true victims. The differences between true victims and apparent victims are often un-clear, subtle, hidden and confused, due to collusive games of mutual self deception of the welfare state of mind and of being. Recovery of health for victims of the welfare state of mind and of being is not promoted by a narrow emphasis upon technical considerations and procedures: fixes designed for people who are addicted to the welfare state of mind and of being. Spiritual recovery is not a commodity which can be sold or given to people who are in need of recovery. Technocrats who are addicted to fixes and to fixing imperfections cannot fix victims of the welfare state of mind and of being---because the dilemma of victims of the welfare state of mind and of being is a dilemma, not a technical problem. The dilemma of the welfare state of mind and of being is much like the dilemma of addicts and their codependent supporters. It is a dilemma of finding the true way out of dysfunctional personal relationships which are based upon false assumptions, perceptions and attitudes. It is the dilemma of transcending alienative ideals, values and relationships. The dilemma cannot be transcended while preoccupied with technical considerations, to the exclusion of spiritual considerations. A welfare state of mind and of being is a state of mind and of being which is trapped in the imprisonment of ideals and values which divert attention away from spiritual considerations---away from reflexive realities and relationships. Spirituality pertains to reflexive realities and relationships. Technocrats who are fixated upon objective manipulations do not have the spirit, attitudes and perspectives which are needed to transcend the welfare state of mind and of being. Technocrats' manner of manipulation of victims of the welfare state of mind and of being encourages them to continue their history of being victims within the state of mind and of being to which they have grown accustomed. People who are victims of the welfare state of mind and of being need to be encouraged to be true to themselves and each other---by being given the true gift of security known as the freedom to be safely vulnerable in the light of their past history. They need to learn how they got to be victims of the welfare state of mind and of being--- through open and honest dialogue regarding the ways in which they came to be victims of the welfare state of mind and of being. They are victims in a process in which they have been participants, along with those who have been mislead as welfare providers. Their relationships have been dysfunctional, and all participants in the dysfunctional relationships need to seek insight into how their relationships are dysfunctional because of: dishonesty, manipulations, objectifications, alienations, addictions, codependencies and collusions. Recovery from the state of mind and of being of the welfare state is in large part a spiritual recovery which has objective aspects. Focusing primarily upon the objective aspects of such a recovery does not encourage recovery. Pretending that the spiritual recovery can occur in the absence of objective aspects of the recovery, is part of the process of maintaining the dysfunctional state of mind and of being of the welfare state. So also is pretending that the essential recovery can occur in the absence of attention being given to the spiritual nature of the dilemma. The above considerations indicate that recovery from the dysfunctional patterns of the welfare state of mind and of being will be made difficult by: 1. Separations between spiritual and governmental considerations. 2. Objectifications and depersonalizations. 3. Technocratic fixations upon manipulations. 4. Preoccupations with issues of control. 5. Alienative procedures and requirements. 6. Fixations upon imperfections and fixes. 7. Collusive games of mutual self deception. 8. Addictive/codependent relationships. 9. Shallow/dishonest spirituality. 10. Legalistic religiosity and condemnations. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================