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This-essay is a7807072.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %VALUING KNOWLEDGE/SKILLS 780707 Intellectuals have a habit of affirming the value of abstract truth, knowledge, and skills. They rarely question the value of spending time considering truths, or working to increase knowledge, or developing skills. There is little intellectual concern for setting priorities among all the possible truths to consider, knowledge to augment, or skills to develop. They are all good. Concern for any of them is good. In no case can concern/interest be unwise---if it is focused upon truths, knowledge, or intellectual skills. Questions of relative value are not raised. In fact, by collusion it is agreed that questions of value are not present in the intellectual life. Political questions about the allocation of scarce resources are by collusion not real questions. They are "dirty" considerations which belong outside the ivory towers among un-educated people. Intellectuals are always spending their time wisely--- because they are always concerned with truths, knowledge, and skills which may some day be used to serve mankind. The intellectual collusions are thus used to justify the traditional intellectual habits---and the status quo distribution of power. Intellectual honesty demands that intellectuals seek to transcend their traditional collusions---and rejoin the human race in honest political activities within which scarce resources are allocated in a democratic way. Games of self-deception are not intellectually honest, even when they are thoroughly mutual among the most respected intellectuals of the nation or world. Dishonesty is dishonesty, even if it is respectable. The politics of the intellectuals have to do with the allocation of human resources---students' creative abilities. To pretend that there are no value judgments made by intellectuals---is to engage in a game of mutual self-deception. Diverting adolescents' critical abilities away from gaining insights into intellectuals' collusions---is a political act of major proportions. Diverting adolescents' creative abilities into diversionary research to bolster professors' egos---is also a political act of importance to the taxpayers who fund the research. The academic community is part of the political process of the nation. Truth is not beyond politics. The choice of which truths to focus upon---is a political choice! (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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