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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %THOUGHTLESS INTERNAL CONFLICT IDEAS IDEALS VALUES+980530 %EXPORT ENGENDER COERCION VIOLENCE WAR TERROR EVIL+980530 %UNRESOLVED CONTENTION SELF RIGHTEOUS ARROGANCE+980530 %ALIENATION ESTRANGEMENT EXCOMMUNICATION JUDGEMENT 980530 To the extent that we internalize and live with unresolved internal conflicts and tensions --- to that extent we export into our communities our own unresolved internal conflicts and tensions. To the extent that we introject our conflicts into others and they live with our unresolved internal conflicts and tensions --- to that extent we live in disintegrative communities with their unresolved internal conflicts and tensions. To the extent that our communities do not recognize, name, describe and talk openly/honestly about unresolved conflicts and tensions over high ideas, ideals, values, principles, hopes and aspiration --- to that extent we in our communities world-wide --- live in disintegrative communities suffering the consequences of disintegrative lives torn by unresolved internal conflicts and tensions. To the extent that we and our communities play collusive games of mutual self-deception and believe that we can resolve conflicts through dominance, coercion, terrorism, violence, threats and the generation of fears and anxieties --- to that extent we and our communities world-wide disintegrate. We live on the only known planet on which living creatures can survive. All known survivals of living creatures elsewhere than on this unique planet have depended, and into the distant future will depend, upon the ecosystem of this unique planet for their survival. If we destroy the ecosystem of this unique planet --- there will be virtually no chance for the survival of anything which we value highly or cherish dearly. To survive with meaning, satisfaction and joy we must resolve our unresolved internal personal and communal conflicts at home and abroad --- doing so in ways which do not threaten our own or other people's personal and/or communal integrities in Spaceship Earth. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================