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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %FEAR FIX COMPULSION ALIENATION REJECTION JUDGMENT 950222 Fear engenders: FIXATIONS COMPULSIONS ALIENATIONS REJECTIONS JUDGMENTALISM CONDEMNATIONS PARALYSIS REPRESSION VIOLENCE COERCION DEFENSIVENESS PROHIBITIONS ADDICTIONS CODEPENDENCE COLLUSIONS DISHONESTY DECEPTIONS SECRECY TERRORISM WAR MILITARISM Love engenders: RELAXATION LIBERATION RECONCILIATION ACCEPTANCE FORGIVENESS DIALOGUE VITALITY DISCOVERY GENTLENESS EDUCATION SECURITY ENCOURAGEMENT RECOVERY SELF-ESTEEM HONESTY REVELATIONS OPENNESS CONVERSATIONS RECONSTRUCTION CONFLICT-RESOLUTION SHALOM How are we to respond to fear? Only if we respond to fear with love can we: Transcend fear. Be liberated from fear. Be reconciled with those whom we fear. Accept those we fear as being children of God. Forgive the people whom we have traditionally feared. Begin open and honest dialogue with those we feared. Regain our vitality and discover each other anew. Become free to be gentle again. Be liberated through honest education. Give and receive gifts of true security. Know security as the freedom to be vulnerable. Encourage each other to be true to self and others. Recover our self-esteem through honest revelations. Through open conversations resolve our conflicts. Begin the process of reconstruction of communities. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================