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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %FALL LOVE APPEAR TRUE SPIRITUAL CONGRUENCE FIT+940417 %DECEPTION DISHONEST MANIPULATION ACHIEVEMENT FAIL+940417 %CONFORM IDEAL RULE REGULATION PROHIBITION SELF 940417 People who are seeking to fall in love with the right other person (who will meet their needs and/or fix them) are often seeking to conform themselves and others to some pattern of ideal forms, rules, regulations, prohibitions, etc. The result is usually mutual coercion, violence, anger, resentment, revenge, etc. Their focus upon their unilaterally chosen goals and purposes leads them into personal and communal disintegration. In contrast, true lovers are seeking to treat each other person as an expression of the Ground of Being Truly in Love---who guides all who seek to facilitate personal and communal integrity in the ways of True Love in which there is no deception. Their focus upon true spiritual unity in the Ground of Being Truly in Love leads them into being true to themselves and others in personal and communal integrity---without coercion, violence, anger, resentment, revenge, etc. People who on their own choose objectively demonstrable goals, destinations, and purposes---defined within the spirit of the objective paradigm---find each other to be objects which stand in their way and do not fit neatly into their systematic plans. They do not fit coherently into each other's lives, are viewed as obstructions to each other, and so are the occasions for coercion, violence, anger, resentment, revenge, etc. Such people are for each other the occasion for the break- down of the pretense that they are being objective (without bias)---because they object (complain) to each other standing as objects (blockages) in the way of achieving their conflicting objectives (goals). How can we think clearly when one word, "object", has so many contrasting meanings? In contrast, other people who are in truly in the spirit of the Ground of Being Truly in Love---approach each other as parts of an organic whole which has been conceived by Love to fit together. They seek to find ways to fit together in harmony as they work cooperatively to fulfill their communal potentials for personal and communal integrity. Such integrative people do not pretend that they are being objective. They do not object to each other as objects who are in the way of achieving conflicting objectives; but rather they discover in and with each other many potentials for personal and communal integrity. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================