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This-essay is a8510111.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %INTEGRATIVE SEXUAL CONNECTIONS 851011 Sexuality pertains to finding and enjoying integrative sexual connections among people who are genuinely interested in promoting their personal and communal integrity through cooperative behavior which is mutually fulfilling and enjoyable. Sexuality seeks to discover all possible ways to achieve such integration and to know them and each other with integrity. To this end sexuality seeks to find and make connections between previously unrelated realities. Sexuality entails fantasy by which to preview possible connections and consider which possibilities to fulfill in the limited time and with the limited energy which is available. There are not sharp boundaries in objective reality among the various forms of connections which pertain to sexual relationships. The boundaries exist as much in the minds, emotions, and perceptions of participants as anywhere else. Part of the process of sexual integration is the process of developing mutually agreeable perceptions of such boundaries between desired and non-desired connections. Intellectual understanding pertains to making meaningful sense of various relationships, connections. Full intellectual understanding would include a personal understanding of sexual connections. Scientists who are ultimately committed to maintaining objective perceptions must minimize the threats to their objectivity which sexual emotions entail. For this reason the most objective male scientists systematically exclude from their professional fellowship females who would most threaten their ability to maintain their objectivity. Sexual discrimination is essential to personally immature objective males who wish to maintain their objectivity under all circumstances. Dealing with the presence of sexually mature females would constitute too great a threat to their collusion which says that they are achieving the transcendence of bias by excluding from their consciousness their emotional responses to life's most significant reflections upon one's own connections with others. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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