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This-essay is a8406201.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %OMNIPRESENT LOVING GOD 840620 Traditional institutional taboos can not stand with integrity in the presence of the omnipresent loving God. Taboos undermine personal and communal integrity by requiring the estrangement, the alienation---of persons who violate the taboos for any reason. The omnipresent loving God unconditionally opposes all alienation and so opposes the enforcement of taboos by evil behavior on the part of good people. Good people try to get others to conform to their definitions of good---by threatening to reject those who do not conform. Omnipresent loving God sacrificially works to reconcile the estranged by without regard to conformity or non- conformity. Through reconciliation God seeks to promote the integrity which is the foundation for what good people so tragically and misguidedly seek. The reconciling power of God is with each person in all that each person does. God's judgment is not alienative, not rejecting. God's judgments work through the natural consequences of people's decisions and actions, not alienatively through personal rejection and alienation. God does not enforce taboos or laws requiring conformity to some code of conduct. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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This-essay is a8406201.htm which is available at the web-site These 5 lines echo top lines. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One