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This-essay is a7912021.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %LIMITATIONS OF OBJECTIVITY 791202 That about which there is universal agreement appears to be objectively real. The politically powerful members of a conformal society may generate universal consensus and thereby create an objective reality. The apparent universal agreement is usually achieved by the repression of dissenting perceptions through excommunication and threats of excommunication. Sometimes "universal agreement" is achieved with the help of exclusive definitions of who counts; i.e., who is important and/or who does the actual counting of who agrees. These procedures of realizing what is and what is not objective thus often involve collusions, taboos, and sin---the condition of excommunication. The process of defining what is and what is not objectively real is a political process---a process of setting perceptual priorities. That which is not objectively real receives very little attention. It is relatively easy to generate universal agreement about impersonal realities, because observers can often view them without personal interest, concern, feeling, fear, etc. It is not easy to generate universal agreement about personal realities, for inevitably participants are directly involved as persons, or identify with others who are directly involved as persons. Complete objectivity about personal realities is impossible, because not all participants can perceive such realities in the same way. Extramarital friendships do not appear the same to the participants in the friendship --- as they do to the spouse and gossips. How can universal agreement about the nature of the reality be achieved? Not by any loving and honest procedures! All efforts to try to find out the "real" nature of such relationships deny the impropriety of the effort and the assumptions upon which they are based. Punishments based upon the "discovery" of improper personal relationships violate all personal relationships by presuming that their essence can be objectively characterized. Such presumption leads to arrogant objectification of realities which are not essentially objective. The development of universal agreement by coercive methods does not create an objective reality which is independent of the transitory sub-culture which created the consensus. Fear of honest expression of feelings, perceptions, opinions, visions, desires, etc. points to the lack of integrity in such agreements. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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