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This-essay is a7310052.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %I'M OK YOU'RE OK 731005 To say someone is OK is not to say that they meet conventional standards of acceptability, in accordance with the knowledge of good and evil. To say someone is OK is not to make a statement about that-person as an isolated self. To say to someone, "You're OK" is to say hello in reality. It is to speak the primary word 'I- Thou'. It is to accept the whole other into relation. It is to accept acceptance with the other. It is to give the whole self into relation. It is to enter into authentic meeting. The self who honestly knows self in it's finitude--- can be helpful to other selves in dealing with finitude. Selves are born and die. Their first definitions of self are via parents who are in part reliving the self-images which were recorded for them by their parents, etc. Such is the condition of human finitude, and to deal with finitude its structure must be acknowledged. To behave as an adult, one must recognize who one's parents were, and what one's childhood was. Those people who do not know their personal history relives them. Those people who know their personal history, can transcend them. To accept an other as OK is to relate to their total self with their total history---and be helpful in dealing with finitude which is mutual. To accept an other as OK does not call for entering into a collusion to deny the reality of certain aspects of the other. Acceptance requires emotional security to enter into a mutual awareness of and mutual understanding of the finitude aspects of the other. To behave in this helpful adult manner is impossible to one who has a not-OK image of the nature of reality. The OK-image of the nature of reality can not be created by the self that has a not-OK image of the nature of reality. It is a gift. The nature of reality depends upon the acceptance of that gift. The gift is often difficult to accept, for the immature self-image can not easily remain secure in what it is, and at the same time accept the gift. Attractive scientists have the power to say to their students via all channels of communication, "I-OK, You're OK". Therein is the beginning of hope and meaning, and the possibility of the transcendence of the technocratic society and its collusions. (c) 1999 by Paul A. Smith in GO: "Search for Integrity and Honesty" (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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