Bruce, What follows below the many introductory-instructions --- is a much abbreviated version of one web page at Initially skip the introductory instructions!

Initially scroll down to the many lines which start with "Count within". Those lines contain hyper-links to lists of essays which contain many appearances of the words which start with the UPPER-CASE letters at the right end of the line. In this web page I have included some hyper-links I thought might be more interesting to you than others in the original web page of which what follows is just a part.

This web pages is on my web site with the Home-Page at http:/ This web page is at http:/ The original full web page is at http:/

End of my personal note to Bruce!
===================================================================================================================== WELCOME TO WORD-STARTS found in the essays of www.essayz whch are Orderd BELOW the guidelines in their overall FREQUENCY-OF-APPEARANCE within all essays.
The list of Word-Starts IN-FREQUENCY-ORDER is below-these-guidelines. This is the ONLY-WAY to see the Word-Starts in Frequency-Order.
A full set of guidelines is farther below here. The three HYPER-LINKS offered just below here, lead to only the ALPHABETIC ORDER of WORD-STARTS. SKIP THE NEXT FOUR CLICKABLE LINKS to work with the FREQUENCY-ORDERED-Word-Starts.
Clicking on any of the next three lines,transfers you to seeing only ALPHATETICALLY ORDERED lists of Word-Starts. Click HERE for a MOST extensive set of guidelines. Click HERE for a MEDIUM extensive set of guidelines. Click HERE for a LEAST extensive set of guidelines. <== You are NOW here.
Left of Center below on each line is a clickable-link which is a word with the first three-to-five letters in UPPER-CASE. Those UPPER-CASE letters were searched for, in each of the over 9,000 essays herein
The overall-total-number-of-times that the string of UPPER-CASE letters of the Word- Start were found in over 9,000 essays texts; is noted on each such line.
The whole-word on each line is 'suggestive' of the MANY WORDS which start with the first three-to-five UPPER-CASE-LETTERS.
Clicking on the highlighted and underlined word will take you to a list of essays where the UPPER-CASE-LETTERS were found frequently;

at words starts AND embedded inside of words.
You can readily shift back and forth between the THREE versions of this web page, which differ in how extensive the guidelines are.
When you click on a Word-Start HYPER-LINK below, you will be taken to
a web page with HYPER-LINKS down the left side of the web page.  The
HYPER-LINKS are of the following form:

@yymmdd#.htm --- where '@' = 'a' means '19' for essays written during 1973 through 1999; and '@' = 'b' means '2000' for essays written after the start of the year 2000. 'yy' indicates the year, 'mm' indicates the month, 'aa' indicates the day. The '#' is the count of essays written during any particular day. Clicking on any such HYPER-LINK will take you to the text of the essay named by the HYPER-LINK.

The HYPER-LINKS of particular essays will be in order of how FREQUENTLY the UPPER-CASE first-few-letters of the WORD-START --- were found within the text of each essay; BOTH at word-starts AND EMBEDDED WITHIN ALL words in the text of the essay. Highest FREQUENCY will be at the top.

Clicking on any essay-text hyperlink of the form '@yymmdd#' will take you to the text of the essay.

At the top of the each essay-text will be some further hyper-link options with which to navigate around in this web site to find essay texts of interest to you.

When using the above features always keep in mind that:

PRESSING on <== of your KEYBOARD; i.e., back-arrow, will return you to the spot that you were-at in your just-previous web-page. You can do that repeatedly --- to back through many previous web-pages that you have just recently looked at.

Similarly, CLICKING on the right arrow '==>' at the top of your SCREEN'S PRIMARY-WINDOW ---

will move you forward through web pages that you have just moved back through by PRESSING on <== of your KEYBOARD.

The above procedures can usually be used on many web-sites,

not just here within this web-site at

============================================================================== The following are the Word-Starts listed in decending order of how often they appear anywhere within the over 9,000 essay texts available in this web site
Word-Starts of only three or four letters have been included here only if doing so is more helpful than distractive. Such small Word-Starts often appear within longer words in non-helpful ways. In case of doubt, Word-Starts have been left in, leaving it to the users to look down through the list; until they find Word-Starts which are of interest to them.
Words-Starts with the "think" note to their right can appear with many different contextual "meanings". "THINK" about such possibilities!
The "plus" and "minus" signs, "+" and "-", flag Word-Starts which may have more positive-than-negative; or more negative-than-positive --- connotations; for users to think/talk about. Much depends upon contexts within which words appear! Much also depends upon who views the words within their various contexts! Also keep in mind that the full word completing each Word-Start is just one of many possible full words which could have been presented there! ==================================================================================== Beginning of the abbreviated web page for Bruce! Count within all Essays = 42082 for INTEGrate think Count within all Essays = 24016 for HONESt think Count within all Essays = 14624 for DOMINators - Count within all Essays = 11640 for COLLUsion Count within all Essays = 11504 for POWER Count within all Essays = 10069 for CONFLict - think Count within all Essays = 9807 for MUTUAl + Count within all Essays = 9658 for ADDICt - Count within all Essays = 8842 for RESPOnd Count within all Essays = 8708 for RESPEct Count within all Essays = 8579 for ESSENtial + Count within all Essays = 7823 for EXCLUsive Count within all Essays = 7563 for VIOLEnce - think Count within all Essays = 7370 for SEX Count within all Essays = 6454 for RIGHT Count within all Essays = 6192 for DECEPtion - Count within all Essays = 4902 for VULNErable Count within all Essays = 4737 for SECURe Count within all Essays = 3901 for DIALOgue + Count within all Essays = 3854 for GAME Count within all Essays = 3814 for SELF think Count within all Essays = 3654 for LOVER + Count within all Essays = 3652 for COOPEration + Count within all Essays = 3646 for BECOMe Count within all Essays = 3645 for PRESSure Count within all Essays = 3624 for COE Count within all Essays = 3596 for COERCe Count within all Essays = 3444 for THREAt think Count within all Essays = 3409 for RUST Count within all Essays = 3308 for MANIPulate Count within all Essays = 3250 for ENTRAp - Count within all Essays = 3158 for GOOD + think Count within all Essays = 3085 for BALANce + Count within all Essays = 3048 for DESCRibe + Count within all Essays = 2792 for TRUST Count within all Essays = 2722 for GRACIous + Count within all Essays = 2701 for EVIL - Count within all Essays = 2699 for SHALOm + Count within all Essays = 2691 for STRATegy Count within all Essays = 2676 for OPEN + Count within all Essays = 2623 for DEFENd - think Count within all Essays = 2600 for PRETEnd - Count within all Essays = 2515 for REJECt - Count within all Essays = 2446 for TRAGIc Count within all Essays = 2442 for RESOLve Count within all Essays = 2441 for PLAY Count within all Essays = 2431 for ROB Count within all Essays = 2392 for AUTHEntic + Count within all Essays = 2384 for AVOID - Count within all Essays = 2288 for VICTIm think Count within all Essays = 2253 for ATTITude Count within all Essays = 2179 for ARROGant - Count within all Essays = 2135 for PREOCcupied - Count within all Essays = 2100 for RISK Count within all Essays = 2040 for TABOO - Count within all Essays = 2018 for COHERent Count within all Essays = 1979 for MOTIVate Count within all Essays = 1944 for FEAR think Count within all Essays = 1930 for WEALTh Count within all Essays = 1910 for DESTRoy - Count within all Essays = 1899 for RITUAl Count within all Essays = 1862 for IMPOSe think Count within all Essays = 1856 for LONG Count within all Essays = 1835 for TEMPT Count within all Essays = 1827 for SALVAtion Count within all Essays = 1801 for UNILAteral - Count within all Essays = 80 for MOB End of the Abbreviated web page for Bruce. =============================================================================