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================> The following was the basis of personal presentations to: <================
=> City Council of Fort Collins and the Larimer County Commissioners in Colorado on 12/04/2007. <=

This presentation is now-available at the URL and focuses upon the mining of Uranium-235 within the contexts of concerns noted below. In the allowed time some of the following points were covered in an extemperaneous presentation responsive to the given situation. Below at the bottom of this web page find links to other websites giving much additional information.

The following focuses on some foundations, in terms of which the leaders whom we have elected to serve us --- can evaluate the significance of additional presentations by other citizens who are exercising their constitutional right to petition their elected officials --- with their expressions of their concerns.

Distributive-Justice is A-Major-Focus in the libraries of the books of the Most-Honored-Writings of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim and many other Religious-Traditions. Read in those books about how we are called by our one God to treat: orphans, widows, strangers, migrating-people, aliens and people who are: otherwise poor, thirsty, hungry, sick, homeless, without-land, marginalized, and without political power.

Distributive-Justice relates intimately-and-pervasively to how Civilizations-Rise-and-Fall. This happens according to how justly-and-fairly their citizens share-and-distribute their various forms of Wealth-and-Power. All residents create wealth-and-power in ways which are: civil, civilized, generous, gracious, integrative, hospitable, humble, honest, holy, reverent and sacred. They do so through pervasive-peacemaking-efforts and by being Honestly-Together in the many Gracious Ways-of-Shalom.

Power-Corrupts; and Absolute-Power-Corrupts-Absolutely. This happens through simplistic-idealists demonstrating: arrogance, self-righteousness, dishonesty, pretense and hubris; whenever people behave in: exclusive, coercive, violent and tragically-alienative-ways.

In contrast, demonstrations of Distributive-Justice Mitigate the Corruptions which are Generated by Unjust-Concentrations of Wealth-and-Power.

The mining of Uranium is about Concentrating God's ores which contain Uranium; and so is about the Concentration of the potential Energy, Power, Wealth and the Risks inherent therein. The mining of Uranium has often been tragically about the Un-Wise-Distribution of the Waste-Products of those Concentration-Processes --- into the Total-Environment of God's Finite-Space-Ship-Earth. They have been distributed into Finite-Planet-Earth's: air, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. They have also been distributed onto the land, and into the underground aquafers upon which healthy humane civilizations and other interdependent living creatures and plants are utterly dependent. Just-How All-Waste-Products are Distributed around within God's Space-Ship-Earth --- is a demonstration of Distributive-Justice --- and/or it may be a demonstration of Tragic-Distributive-Injustice. The latter kind of unjust distribution has led to the disintegration and fall of an otherwise great civilization --- through the thoughtless distribution of Tragic-Alienations among the rich-and-poor.

It is very complex and difficult to describe accurately just what kind of person I am. I was professionally trained as a Nuclear-Physicist at a cost of about a quarter of a million dollars to the taxpayers of the United States. I started out as a pre-theological-school-candidate, conditionally accepted at McCormic Thological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. I began working on a Philosophy-Major on the main campus of what is now Park University in Parkville, Missouri. I won the Physicis Department's Physics Prize my sophmore year by excelling in the second- term of its introductory physics course --- without first taking the prerequisite-first-term. I added a Physics-Major to my Philosophy-Major, and graduated with honors in both disciplines.

I then worked on advanced graduate school physics at Washington University in St.Louis, Mo. There I served as the Astronomy Class Teaching Assistant to Dr. E. U. Condon who was, at Dr. Robert Oppenhimer's request, briefly second in command of the scientists who produced the first three atomic bombs that the U.S.A. exploded within God's Space-Ship-Earth to kill about 200,000 Japanese civilians. My W.U. office was next to that of Atomic-Scientist Arthur Holly Compton. I got to know a third top Astomic Scientist, Dr. Bernard Feld, Chairman of the of the M.I.T. Physics Department, when I was working on my Doctorate Degree in a sub-specialty of Nuclear Physics at Tufts University.

I have faithfully fulfilled many assigned duties while holding diverse powerful offices within religious institutions and political parties. I was for a dozen years was a member of the National Council of the American Association of Physics Teachers. At other's initiatives, the Physics Department of Coe College, where I taught physics and astronomy for 35 years, is now the site of the most active undergraduate physics research insitute in the world.

During the past 33 years I have written over 8,600 essays in meditations upon issues which I have encountered in thinking deeply about my proper exercise of Concentrated-Political-Power and my management of Concentrated-Wealth --- within the realms indicated above. All of those essays are freely available to all who visit my web site at where the focus is upon Distributive-Justice, Concentrations-of-Powers-and-Wealth and Corruptions-of-Human-Relationships by Alienative-Domination-Systems.

About six visitors per day find web-pages of via search engines and/or via already known absolute URL addresses. Since April of 2007 at least one visitor has come from each of about 50 nations to You and others from around the world can now find the rest of this presentation at There you will eventually be able click on diverse links to guide you to additional relevant materials related to your own particular interests. Please be patient while I create those new links for you to use.

Interested readers may make copies of this presentation for free distribution to other residents of God's Space-Ship-Earth. has been opposing the mining of Uranium near Fort Collins, Colorado during 2007.

CARD: Uranium Project Opposition Grows as of September 25, 2007 in Fort Collins, Colorado

Hard-Rock Mining Compels Reform as of October 12, 2007

Uranium mining back on the table on October 28, 2007

Powertech project manager calls it quites near Fort Collins about November 7, 2007 Contains MANY informative links at end!

Uranium mine is opposed by Fort Collins, CO City Council at late night meeting on 2007/12/04