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Center for Justice, Peace, and Environment Email Action Bulletin February 20, 2010 For a complete list of local Peace and Justice happenings, please visit and click on “activities calendar” You’re also welcome to post your events there!! CJPE is Community Supported. You can help grow progressive activism in Fort Collins! Help us to organize, become a sustainer for as little as $5.00 a month, or donate whatever is comfortable for you. For more information, email CJPE or call us at 419-8944 or visit =======> ============> THIS IS THE MEETING OF Salon Duc Tape of Feb 26th, 2010 <============ <======= At Salon Duc Tape on February 26, Paul Smith will lead a discussion concerning local, regional, and state efforts to promote and facilitate “sustainability” on the part of governments, educational institutions, corporations, and other entities. What does “sustainability mean, anyway? Paul will provide live web-site access and paper hand-outs concerning this topic. You can preview many of these web pages through You are welcome to bring notes on complementary websites that you recommend be added to the list. Please come ready to discuss the signif-icance of the current push towards “sustainability” and the flood of website presentations concerning same. Salon duc Tape, a public forum sponsored by Strength Through Peace, meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month from 7:00 -- 9:00 p.m. in the basement of Mugs Coffee Lounge on 251 South College , the NW corner of College and Olive. The formal program begins with introductions at 7:20 p.m. For those in need of an elevator, there is one through the Armstrong Hotel, to the north of Mugs. For more information, email Strength Through Peace at or call us at 419-8944. ====================================================================================================================== IN THE LIGHT OF WORLD EVENTS/TRENDS - - WHAT PROPOSALS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES CAN WE TRUST AS BEING SUSTAINABLE? On the basis of what ideals, values, principles, criteria, standards, etc. - - CAN WE KNOW WHOM AND WHAT TO TRUST? Your handouts tonight include the following: About peaking Oil-Consumption. The HUB of web-sites collected for tonight; inspired by the LWV! March 2010 Sustainability Team Report from the LWV of Larimer County in Colorado