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%UNRESOLVED CONFLICT SEXUAL IDEALS VALUES DESIRES 960829 In many cultures, communities and individuals there are overt conflicts which are rooted in unresolved internalized conflicts between sexual ideals, values, desires, myths, images, etc.---which may be either articulated overtly; or implicit, tacit, covert, or collusive. The conflicts exist between what are regarded by many as good ideals, good values, good desires, good myths, good images, good etc. Those who are in conflict virtually never defend what they consciously regard as bad or evil. Conflicts are between alternative conceptions of what is good. In cultures, communities and individuals which are preoccupied with objects, objective realities, and objective relationships (to the exclusion of open and honest reflexivity) it is nearly impossible to resolve overt conflicts which are rooted in unresolved internalized conflicts between sexual ideals, values, desires, myths, images, etc.---because of the absence of open and honest reflexivity. In the absence of reflexive science, reflexive knowledge, people cannot reflect upon the conflicts between their sexual ideals, values, desires, myths, images, etc.---for THEY ARE REFLEXIVE. To pretend otherwise is dishonest. Such pretense may be a central part of a set of collusive games of mutual self deception---which block any possibility of resolving the underlying conflicts. In her book, "Women, Sex and Addiction" Kasal explores the many ways in which human sexuality in its many forms plays central roles in the fabric of dysfunctionality pertaining to many forms of addiction, codependence, sexuality, and collusive games of mutual self deception. We need to consider the roots of such dysfunctionality in our conflicting "good" sexual ideals, values, desires, myths, images, etc. (c) 1997 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Integrity and Honesty" (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy)