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These HYPER-LINKS were gathered tobether by William De Marco and Paul Smith in Nov. - Dec. of 2007.

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======> ALL underlined texts below are hyper-links for you to click-on! <======

Link to 21 minute Video Overview : David Menninger provides a succinct overview to
A Model United Nations gathering of 1,000 students in Northeast Kansas

Link to a Video of Roscoe Bartlett, House of Representatives speech on Peak Oil:

James Schlessinger about Peak Oil before the U.S.A. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2005.
Printed texts include the embedded links noted below.

Video of the above testimony
The testimony started at 21:35 which can be set by moving rightmost button below the
left part of the screen untill it reads about 21:35. You can expand the screen by putting
cursor IN the lower right your corner of the screen and pulling it down and right.

A video feed of this hearing and the one of R. James Woolsey can be found here

Homepage for the entire hearing at which Schlesinger testified.

Link to Part 1: Extended Video Overview: Crude Awakening: Peak Oil and the End of Cheap Oil

Link to Part 2: Extended Video Overview: Crude Awakening: Peak Oil and the End of Cheap Oil FAILED LINK

Government Accountability Office report link

Link to government's Hirsch Report on peak oil risk mitigation:

T. Boone Pickens and many others that have good data
are sounding the alarm that the date for peak oil is
sooner, not later. In this video, he talks about the
maximum output of oil at 85 million barrels/day.

Link to video presentation by Dr. Colin Campbell, the
founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil.
The End of the First Half of the Age of Oil. Dr. Campbell
has pulled together significant and compelling data that
he presents.

Link to Matt Savinar's alarming, and well researched web site with lot's of links


Representative Ron Paul on the end of dollar hegemony.
Start at 1:50 for the beginning of his speech to congress:

Link to report: What the Price of Gold Is Telling Us by Ron Paul.
Extended video on history of central banks and their influence (with recommendations)

Additional general focus links regarding Peak Oil:

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