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Some of the Physics of Energy

There is World-Wide Nearly-Unanimous Professional-Agreement about almost all of the following statements about The-Physics-of-Energy.

01. There are many forms-of-energy; so there are many units-for-measuring how-much-energy there is in each form-of-energy within a local-volume-of-space.

02. Energy-can-change into various-other-forms --- that always total to exactly the same-original-amount within an isolated-volume-of-space.

03. Some forms-of-energy are more-concentrated-forms-of-energy than other forms-of-energy; and so are easier-for-humans-to-use.

04. Using any concentrated-form-of-energy changges-the-energy into less-concentrated-forms-of-energy.

05. The following are the available common-forms-of-energy-sources, listed in descending order of energy-concentration-and-utility:

06. The energy-potential of nuclear-fusion; e.g., of converting hydrogen nuclei into helium and lithium nuclei.

07. The energy-potential of nuclear-fission; e.g., of converting U-235 and/or P-239 nuclei into many smaller nuclei.

08. The energy-potential of converting hydro-carbon compounds into Carbon-Di-Oxide and high-temperature-water by burning them; e.g., oil, coal and plants.

09. The energy-potential of large-temperature-differences between close-together-substances; e.g., high-temperature-steam and cold-water or ice.

10. The energy-potential of large-differences-in-pressures between gases contained by constraining containers made by nature or by humans.

11. The partially concentrated-energy of naturally occuring molten-rocks, steam, and hot-water-flows in oceans and under-ground.

12. Investing some concentrated-energy to concentrate more Ocean and Geo-thermal low-temperature energy into higher-temperature-concentrated-energy.

13. Investing some concentrated-energy to concentrate PLENTIFUL-AND-ENDURIN-SUN-LIGHT into More-Concentrated-forms-of-Energy; e.g., Steam and Electricity.

14. Investing already-concentrated energy to create some convenient-concentrated-energy-potentials of separated Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms.

15. Investing alrerady-concentrated energy to concentrate FORMER-PLENTIFUL-SUNLIGHT via hydro-electric-power-stations into electrically-transmitted-energy.

16. Investing already-concentrated energy to concentrate nature's-OCEAN-TIDES-AND-WAVES into concentrated hydro-electric-power transmitted-electrically.

17. All mining and mineral-purification-processes are accomplished by investing already-concentrated energy --- to accomplish the processes.

18. All manufacturing-and-recycling-processes are accomplished by investing already-concentrated energy --- to accomplish the processes.

19. All transport-processes by all modes of transport are accomplished by investing already-concentrated energy --- to accomplish the processes.

20. All human-activities/investments turn concentrated-forms-of-energy into less-concentrated-forms-of-energy --- which are less-useful-to-humans.

21. We can agree on reasonable least-upper-bounds for the finite amounts of available-concentrated-forms-of-fossil-fuel-energy within Space-Ship-Earth.

22. We can helpfully-estimate how long those finite amounts of fossil-fuel-energy will last under exponential-growths in our rates-of-use-of-them.

23. Our rates-of-use of available-concentrated-forms-of-fossil-fuel-energy WILL DECLINE soon after EACH FORM is HALF-GONE. We cannot prevent that!

24. There is a finite- rate at which waste-low-temperature-energy can be radiated into interstellar space for each average-temperature of Space-Ship-Earth.

25. If we exceed that finite rate in creating waste-heat-energy --- there will Ultimately be Catastrophic RUNAWAY Global-Warming, roasting Earth like Venus.

25. Those-finite-rates depend-critically upon the concentrations of Carbon-Di-Oxide and Other-Gases that-we-put into the Atmosphere of Space-Ship-Earth

26. The ways in which Space-Ship-Earth has been kept livable are delicately balanced among many complexly-interacting interde-pendent influences.

27. We do not fully know/understand the many complex inter-acting independent influences. Our ignorance exceeds our knowledge and understanding.

28. In the face of the above --- caution, prudence, patience and cooperation are in order among all members of the Crew of Space-Ship-Earth.

29. We cannot respond wisely/prudently to the Global Energy Crisis while ignoring the above reliable statements and what they point to.

30. Profound/Tragic: psycological, political, religious and theological Problems-and-Dilemmas may keep-us from attending-to the above reliable-statements.

Document: Physics-of-Energy-20060314 Last edited on 2006/03/14 By: Dr. Paul A. Smith, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Coe College

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