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Google searches pertaining to "PEAK-OIL" are available here.

"Peak-Oil" names the year when, due to Global-Oil-Exhaustion, Global-Oil-Consumption begins dropping, and continues to drop forever after.

The following word-sets between-quotation-marks --- are recommended search-strings --- 
to be used within the "Advanced" searches of --- as described in 2google.htm 
to search world-wide for web-pages which contain-every-word in the recommended-search-string:

The next two lines give search strings to find "tragic" & "tipping-point" circumstances.

tragic.htm Click for search-strings including the word "tragic" to use with 2google.htm

tipping.htm Click for search-strings about many dangerous-tipping-points in Space-Ship-Earth".

The following search-string gets so many hits as to be rather useless in practice! "peak oil"

Hubert King predicted the USA peak in oil production --- decades before it came in 1970. "PEAK OIL HUBERT KING"

With the year of Global-Peak-Oil-Consumption near, confirmed reserves are now dropping. "peak oil confirmed reserves"

Peak-Oil is bound to be followed by peaks in consumptions of other fossil fuels. "peak oil global energy crisis"

Distributive-Injustice plays a central role in how energy consumption is distributed. "peak oil global energy crisis distributive justice"

Where in God's Space-Ship-Earth is Distributive-Justice most regularly honored? "peak oil distributive justice"

With the advent of Peak-Oil we will be forced to modify our consumptive-life-styles. "peak oil finite resource life style"

Notice which political-leaders respond to Peak-Oil by playing dishonest-blame-games. "peak oil political game"

We need to be clear about the net-energy-return on energy-investedin-energy-extraction from Earth. "peak oil net recovery"

The longer we play collusive games of mutual self deception, the worse will be the crash! "peak oil collusive game"

Note which capitalists profit unduely from Peak-Oil stresses-and-strains. "peak oil capitalistic profit"

What will be the risks of removing HYDRATES from deep ocean tranches near hugh cities? "peak oil hydrates"

What forms of chaos will come with our passage through the Peak-Oil-Years? "peak oil chaos"

Engropy is the objective measure of the degree of chaos in any collection of matter/energy. "peak oil entropy"

The Third-Law of Thermodynamics describes what is possible and impossible as regards energy. "peak oil third law of thermodynamics"

How will terrorists make Clean-Nuclear-Energy risky and improbable? "peak oil nuclear energy"

Uninformed and Misinformed naieve optimists hope to harvest a lot of Zero-Point-Energy. "peak oil zero point energy"

Many un-informed and mis-informed naieve-optimists have failed to build Perpetual-Motion-Machines. "peak oil perpetual motion machine"

Peak-Oil will force us to deal with "dirty-oil" and "dirty-coal" as regards pollutions. "peak oil sulphur coal"

The SPECIAL ISSUE of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of September 2006 was entitled "Energy's Future Beyond Carbon". "scientific american special issue energy future beyond carbon september 2006"

Help in comparing EQUAL amounts of energy specified many different ways!

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