Healthy-True-Lovers wander-comfortably-back-and-forth across many conventional (but fuzzy) boundaries between "proper" and "improper" kinds-and-levels of intimacy --- because the Gracious-Ways-of-Shalom/Love transcend the creations and the integrities of boundaries-of-propriety --- as they are defined by Domineering-Bullies.

It is Domineering-Bullies who carry the most concerns about Boundaries- of-Propriety; because they have the most to gain or lose in terms of their "proper" management of respect for their boundaries.

Domineering-Bullies have Egocentric-Concerns regarding the profitable- management of Boundaries-of-Propriety. In our relationships with Domineering-Bullies we must always keep this reflexive-fact in mend. Be-Aware and Beware!

Healthy-True-Lovers Engage-in-Reflexive-Systems-analyses which often:

1. Evolve within Personal-Relationships based upon: Honoring, Respecting and Being-in-Open-and-Honest-Dialogue with Whole-Person to Whole-Person Gracious-Relationships.

2. Involve seeking to Help-People to Mitigate-their-Own Alienative- Relationships and Alienative-Conflicts.

3. Honor the Present-Communal-and-Personal Integration-Processes-and- Integrities. Here "Present" pertain to a person being "authentically present", and also pertains to "now-in-time."

4. Avoid-and-Transcend Unilateral-Manipulative-Procedures of Alienative: analysis, understanding, prediction, expectations, planning, management and control.

(c) 2009 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy)