Within communities that tolerate Domineering-Bullies' Life-Styles --- 

we will do well to be aware of and beware of:

Unexamined and Presumably-Transcendent External-to-Us-Oriented:

Duties,         Responsibilities,       Callings,	

Missions,       Commissions,            Committments,		

Bonds,          Prisons,                Traps, 

Which are not seen-and-articulated as coherently-related to the many essential:

Foundations,    Ideals,                 Values,

Principles,     Virtues,                etc.

of authentic, well-integrated and cooperative - - - diverse persons and communities  - - -

that enjoy being-together in Shalom's-Many-Gracious-Ways.  We need to be clear on what are

the Foundations of Personal-and-Communal Integration-Processes and Enduring-Integrities.

They do not originate in the efforts of Domineering-Bullies or Mobbing-Mobsters!