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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %CLOSE TO GOD EXCLUSIVE CLUB MEMBER ACHIEVE SIN+960723 %ACHIEVEMENT SPECIAL SALVATION STATUS LOVE EVIL+960723 %PREOCCUPATION FIXATION ISSUES CONTROL ADDICTION 960723 The closer we find ourselves to God the greater is the risk that we will take that status to mean that we have somehow achieved a special status in the eyes of God. The greater also is the risk that we will try to figure out just how we managed to achieve such a special status in the eyes of God, and to say why others have not. There is a real risk that we will take our being close to God as a sign of our superiority over those whom we fear because we do not know them; because we are alienated from them. We may take our alienation to be a sign of our superiority---and so not recognize our alienation for what it truly is; the consequence of the choices we have made in the presence of God. Being in the presence of God does not protect us against the tragic consequences of being arrogant in the presence of God. Being in the presence of God does not protect us against the tragic consequences of being "X" in the presence of God, where "X" points to any of the following: Arrogant Dishonest Manipulative Presumptuous Exclusive Prejudiced Perfectionists Judgmental Manipulative Coercive Violent Fearful Defensive Legalistic Addictive Codependent Collusive Unjust Angry Resentful Technocratic If we, or others who are in our presence, are not truly free to openly and honestly describe our most meaningful and fulfilling experiences of Love---then we are not as special as we are trying to make ourselves to appear to be. The quality of our lives depends greatly upon how we regard and describe the extent to which we find ourselves in the presence of God. How do we explain to ourselves and each other why we have found ourselves in the presence of God? Whom do we regard (and why) as NOT being in the presence of God? How do we describe them, and why? How do they regard us? How do they describe us? Why? To what extend are we (and/or they) preoccupied with issues of control? How do we (and/or they) regard such preoccupations with issues of control? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================