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This-essay is a7309162.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %DIALOGUE 730916 Information dissemination involves an agent broadcasting information. Communication takes place when there is both information dissemination and information reception, even though it be unidirectional. Dialogue does not take place unless there is two-way communication, but not all instances of two-way communication are dialogue. If Jimmy says to Mother, "Look at the worm I got." and Mother then only says to Jimmy, "You are dirty, go wash up." there is information dissemination, and two-way communication --- perhaps. But there is not dialogue. Mother's response is tangential to Jimmy's initial communication. Jimmy's dominant focus of concern was the reality of the worm. By refusing to enter into a mutual awareness with Jimmy regarding the worm, Mother helps to generate a blockage to future mutual awareness and mutual understanding. Perhaps Mother is unable to share an objective state of consciousness with Jimmy, because she is reliving some childhood anxieties which were recalled by the reality of the worm. Her emotional immaturity serves to block Jimmy's future capacity as an adult scientist. In a similar way science teachers whose responses to students' curiosity and fears are tangential---will tend to block future creative activity on the part of the students. The tangential responses may originate in a fear of the phenomena at hand, in a personal sense of inadequacy to explain the phenomena at hand, in a rigid agenda of topics to be covered, in a fear of intimate relationships, within the student, or in other external factors. Whatever be the origin, alienation is likely to follow tangential responses---unless the general context is one of authentic meeting. When open and honest dialogue takes place within a group of interacting persons, the possibilities for stimulation of creative insights increases far beyond what is possible when there are only two participants, or when communication is unidirectional. For this reason it is important that scientists gain a mutual understanding of the conditions which encourage group discussion and cooperative team work. (c) 1999 by Paul A. Smith in GO: "Search for Integrity and Honesty" (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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