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This web page tells about becoming Able-to-Search-for-Esays by picking THREE-Word-Starts that are to be Found-in-Essay-TEXTS.

You will be able to Pick-From thirty Word-Starts from that occur often in essays in Pertaining-to-A-Stated-Context.

You will be able to pick Word-Starts, Knowing-How-Frequently They-Occur-With Others-Already-Picked - - - Within- -Essays-Here.

You will then be able to see Essay-TEXTS, which Most-Often-Include the Three-Word-Starts-You-Picked Pertaining-to-a-Stated-Context.

As time permits, a variety of Stated-Contexts-of-Pertainance may be provided, Starting-With Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts.

It is hoped to Start-Providing the above options during 2010.