blog traffic analysis MAIN Menu Help

MAIN Help Menu

*************************************************************************** 1 **
*                       *******************************  ********************* *
*       ****************** FLOW-CHART GRAND preview **  * H  ==  Help option* *
*       *               *******************************  ********************* *
*       *         ******* H *                      ******** H *                *
*       *         *JUMP MENU********SELECTS*********X-RAY MENU*                *
*       *         ***********          *           ************  View words    *
****************       ***** J *****   *    ***** X ******          listed *** *
*********** H **                 ******** H ***   ******* H *   ********** H * *
***NOVICE MENU******************** MAIN  MENU ****µWORD FINDÆ****  2nd MENU  * *
****************                 **************   ***********   ************** *
*      **   ** Pick word to use        *         ********* H *        *        *
*      **                              ***********  SEEWORDS **********        *
*      ***** Automated Seewords                  *************                 *
*      **    No need to type in *********************************************  *
*      **    words to use.      *  Type in word(s) to use to select titles. *  *
*      **                       *********************************************  *
*      *************************************************            MORE       *
*                               ************ H **                   FLOW       *
*           Titles listed ******** TITLES MENU ** Choose essay.    CHARTS      *
*                               ************ H **                              *
*           Texts displayed ******  TEXT MENU  ** Read essay.                  *
*                               *****************                              *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

************************** MAIN MENU HELP SCREEN 2 ************************ 2 **
*                                                                              *
*  Remember the purpose of this essays system is to enable you to selectively  *
*  find and read some of the many essays available.     Seek to do so!         *
*                                                                              *
*  Use the   NOVICE Menu   to find and read at least 30 essays before getting  *
*  involved in reading many instructions  or in using the   TUTOR   Menu.      *
*                                                                              *
*  Early on  use the   J  key  to pop up and use the  JUMP Menu  as a way to   *
*  become familiar with many of the features which are available.              *
*                                                                              *
*  Pressing the   Z  key toggles a line telling you where you are in menus.    *
*                                                                              *
*  A * marker at right or left screen edge tells where you are in a menu.      *
*                                                                              *
*  Use the  End  key in the  MAIN Menu  to see the  MAIN Menu command summary. *
*                   *******************************************                *
********************* Keep pressing PgDn for more flow charts.******** *********
*                   *******************************************                *
* The above general preview will be available you press  H  when viewing the  *
* MAIN Menu of commands, and when you are viewing lists of TITLES  or viewing  *
* the TEXTS of essays.   It will be followed by added helps for each case.     *
*                                                                              *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

*************************************************************************** 3 **
*  Home   Shows top of MAIN Menu        *  End    Shows end of MAIN Menu       *
*         where NOVICE command is.      *         with SUMMARY of %COMMANDS.   *
*  PgUp   Moves to previous %COMMAND.   *  PgDn   Moves to next %COMMAND.      *
*  Left   Moves view Up half a screen.  *  Right  Moves view Dn half a screen. *
*  Down   Moves view down one line.     *  Up     Moves view up one line.      *
********************************************************************** *********
* Hold down  Alt  and press first letter of command to see command on screen.  *
* %YOKE     shows common words organized under topical heading keywords.       *
* %KEYWORDS shows common words containing the word-fragment(s) you typed in.   *
* %THESARUS shows thesarus words containing the word-fragment(s) you type in.  *
* %DICTIONA shows explanations of common keywords as used in ESSAYS.           *
* %WORDPAIR shows common word-pairs containing the 1 word-fragment typed in.   *
* %SEEWORDS shows titles containing word(s) you type in on being prompted.     *
* %GETTITLE shows again  titles  in the current list of titles.                *
* %COUNTWDS shows count of words in the current list of titles.                *
* %MISCELLA provides a variety of miscellaneous commands via SHELL COMMAND.    *
*  Alt & 1 - 5  to change colors of presentations.   /  Toggles between MENUS. *
*                                                                              *
* By using start-of-word fragments find more titles than by using full-words.  *
* You may type a list of word(s), an ampersand, and a second list of word(s);  *
* for both the  SEEWORDS  and the  VIEWWORD   commands.                        *
*                                                                              *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

************************** MAIN MENU HELP SCREEN 4 ************************ 4 **
*                                                                              *
* SEEWORDS  word1 word2 word3 & word4 word5 word6  Enter  will find all titles *
*           which contain a word before the ampersand and also contain a       *
*           word after the ampersand.  It will save time to put longest list   *
* VIEWWORD  of words after the ampersand. VIEWWORD adds an automatic COUNTWDS. *
*                                                                              *
* Use the commands YOKE, KEYWORDS, and THESARUS to find useful words to use    *
* in searching for titles.   If there are many titles found you may find it    *
* useful to use the COUNTWDS command to get a count of how often each word     *
* appears in the found titles.  This will give you an preview of topic        *
* combinations which occur in titles and which might interest you. Then again  *
* use the SEEWORDS command to find just the titles you want most.              *
*                                                                              *
* YOKE word   Enter    shows common words found in titles organized under      *
*                      topical heading words which also appear in titles.      *
*                                                                              *
* KEYWORDS ???  Enter      shows all keywords, but only in frequency order.    *
*                                                                              *
* KEYWORDS word(s)  Enter  shows keywords with word(s) as part of them.        *
*                                                                              *
* THESARUS word(s)  Enter  shows words related to word(s).                     *
*                                                                              *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

************************** MAIN MENU HELP SCREEN 5 ************************ 5 **
*                                                                              *
*  F   when viewing the MAIN Menu or the TEXT-of-an-essay   will offer you an  *
*      opportunity to add to the file   COMMENTS.RPT   a note about fixing     *
*      the text which is at mid screen    when you press  F .                  *
*                                                                              *
*      Keep in mind that the purpose of the essays system is to enable you to  *
*      selectively find  and read essays of interest to you.   Seek to do so.  *
*                                                                              *
*                  The next few screens present an overall                     *
*                  flow-chart of the ways different parts                      *
*                  of the ESSAYS SYSTEM relate to each other.                  *
*                                                                              *
*                  The following flow-charts appear in the helps only          *
*                  when you are at the MAIN Menu or a 2nd Menu Report.         *
*                                                                              *
*                  The flow-charts which follow cannot be viewed               *
*                  when you are at the TITLES or TEXT Menu.                    *
*                                                                              *
*                   \  in MAIN Menu gives greater detail than the              *
*                  following preview flow-chart gives.  Use  \ .              *
*                                                                              *
*                                                                              *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

*************************************************************************** 6 **
*For Novices*                    **************       *** To find search words *
*USE FIRST  *                    *   ESSAYS   *       *   NOT FOR NOVICES!     *
*           *                    **************       *                        *
*           * ** TUTOR =  = TUTOR ** D    U           *           ** TUTOR *   *
****************                 **************                 ************** *
** NOVICE MENU ******L****R******* MAIN  MENU ****R**** / **L****  2nd MENU  * *
**    ******   *                 *   ******   ****R**KEYWORDS****   ******   * *
**    *MOVE*   *                 *   *MOVE*   ****R**THESARUS****   *MOVE*   * *
**    ******   *        ****L*****   ******   ****R**DICTIONARY**   ******   * *
**    *HELP*   * *************** *   *HELP*   ****R**YOKE********   *HELP*   * *
**    ******   * *MISCELLANEOUS* *   ******   ****R**WORDPAIR****   ******   * *
**             * *************** *   *FLOW*   ****R**QUICKPAR****   *FLOW*   * *
**             *        ****R*****   ******   ****R**LISTITLE****   ******   * *
****************                 *****************R**COUNTWDS***************** *
***Select word**               **** SEEWORDS *****R**VIEWWORD***** SEEWORDS ** *
**Ï***********Ï*               * *Ï**********Ï*                 *Ï**********Ï* *
*       *  *************** GETTITLE    D                              D        *
*       D  ** D =  Down **     * ********************************************* *
*       *  ** U =  Up   **     D *  Type in word(s) to use to select titles. * *
*       U  ** L =  Left **     * ********************************************* *
*       *  ** R =  Right**     U                       D                       *
*       *  ***************     ******R***L*********************                *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

*************************************************************************** 7 **
*       D  ** D =  Down **     * ********************************************* *
*       *  ** U =  Up   **     D *    Type in words to use to select titles. * *
*       U  ** L =  Left **     * ********************************************* *
*       *  ** R =  Right**     U                       D                       *
*       *  ***************     ******R***L*********************                *
*       ****************L****R******************* TITLES MENU ****  TUTOR  *   *
********************************************    *   *******   *                *
*       At TITLES MENU select a title      *    *   *MOVE *   *   Use key-pad  *
*       of an ESSAY to view its TEXT.      *    *   *******   *   keys to move *
*                                          *    *   *HELP *   *   text on the  *
*       Press  H      to get helps.        *    *   *******   *   screen.      *
*              Enter  to see text.         *    *   *LATER*   *                *
*              L      to print text later. *    *   *******   *                *
*                                          *    ***************                *
********************************************       D       U                   *
*                                          *    ***************                *
*                                          *    *  TEXT MENU  ****  TUTOR  *   *
*                                          *    *   *******   *                *
*       At TEXT Menu read text of an essay *    *   *MOVE *   *                *
*       and optionally print to paper/disk.*    *   *******   *   Use key-pad  *
*                                          *    *   *HELP *   *   keys to move *
*       Press  H  to get helps.            *    *   *******   *   text on the  *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****

*************************************************************************** 8 **
*                                          *    * TITLES MENU ****  TUTOR  *   *
*                                          *    *   *******   *                *
*       At TITLES Menu select a title      *    *   *MOVE *   *   Use key-pad  *
*       of an essay to view its TEXT.      *    *   *******   *   keys to move *
*                                          *    *   *HELP *   *   text on the  *
*       Press  H      to get helps.        *    *   *******   *   screen.      *
*              Enter  to see text.         *    *   *LATER*   *                *
*              L      to print text later. *    *   *******   *                *
*                                          *    ***************                *
********************************************       D       U                   *
*                                          *    ***************                *
*                                          *    *  TEXT MENU  ****  TUTOR  *   *
*                                          *    *   *******   *                *
*       At TEXT Menu read text of an essay *    *   *MOVE *   *                *
*       and optionally print to paper/disk.*    *   *******   *   Use key-pad  *
*                                          *    *   *HELP *   *   keys to move *
*       Press  H  to get helps.            *    *   *******   *   text on the  *
*                                          *    *   *PRINT*   *   screen.      *
*              P  to print to paper.       *    *   *******   *                *
*                                          *    *   *DISK *   *                *
*              D  to print to disk.        *    *   *******   *                *
*                                          *    ***************                *
***** Z ****   When ready press  Esc  to quit,  Arrows to MOVE.  **** HELP *****


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