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~ Global Population Growth ~

Various Web Sites focused upon Global Population Growth follow below.

With our global population NOW over 6,000,000,000 just a 1% increase means adding 6 cities of 10 million people each somewhere.

Will they as usual grow up near ocean coasts like most of our existing large cities?

What about global warming and rising waters near ocean coasts?

As waters rise will we move our great cities inland onto great farmlands?

Where else can we move them?

How many really BIG CITIES are NOT on a ocean coast or at a low elevation near an ocean?
Name as many as you can! Big Cities on Ocean and Sea Coasts
#1 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth
The Principle Agglomerations of the Word <==> Giant Megopolises
#2 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #1
#3 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #2
#4 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #3
#5 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #4
#6 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Negative Global Population Growth Facts #5
#7 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #6
#8 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth
Zero Population Growth ==> Renamed ==> Population Connection #6
#9 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth