blog traffic analysis Instructions on Downloading

First: READ ALL Instructions below.

Many improvements have been made in the ESSAYS System.
See the update page for more details regarding improvements.
To use the ESSAYS System, download files & install them.
The following are put FIRST to SAVE YOU TIME.

The following procedures usually have NOT WORKED through AOL but they
they have ALWAYS WORKED through Internet Explorer

Download by clicking on files ------------ essa1973.exe, essa1974.exe,

essa1975.exe, essa1976.exe, essa1977.exe, essa1978.exe, essa1979.exe,

essa1980.exe, essa1981.exe, essa1982.exe, essa1983.exe, essa1984.exe,

essa1985.exe, essa1986.exe, essa1987.exe, essa1988.exe, essa1989.exe,

essa1990.exe, essa1991.exe, essa1992.exe, essa1993.exe, essa1994.exe,

essa1995.exe, essa1996.exe, essa1997.exe, essa1998.exe, essa1999.exe,

essa2000.exe, essa2001.exe, essa2002.exe, essa2003.exe,

The file contains information relevant to Iowa Democrats involved in planning for the various stages of the Iowa Democratic Party Caucus-Convention-Process. The information comes from 18 occasions in which Paul A. Smith was involved in the process up to and including serving in leadership roles in the Committee on Rules and Nominations of the State Convention of the Iowa Democratic Party; every two years between 1968 and 2002. You may click on the file name to access and print it, or to download it and make copies of it; to use and give to others.

0. FIRST READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS. Only then follow them.

1. Create a subdirectory C:/GETWORDS to accept the following TWO distribution files and those indicated above.

2. Download essayspg.exe, and goessays.exe,, which contain the necessary computer programs. (Click on each file name to down-load the file. Each file should be downloaded into C:/GETWORDS)

If you want to include the *.htm files for the web-page you may download the self-extracting file below to C:\GETWORDS, and then in C:\GETWORDS run the file essayhtm.exe to extract the *.htm files there. Click on: essayhtm.exe to download web-site html files. After running essayhtm.exe you should be able to point some web brousers (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) to the address on your computer C:\GETWORDS\INDEX.HTM to use the website without actual actually using web access for most-web-site-pages. (You will need web access to download files from the actual web-site, as download-calls will still be made to the actual web site.)

3. Download the ABOVE PKZIP self extracting files containing essay texts for the corresponding years. Six are adequate for demonstrating the scope of the texts and computer programs of the ESSAYS System. Put them into C:/GETWORDS. Click on each file name to down-load the file.

4. Download as many other texts as you care to. See the last item below for the sizes all text files, which total 6.3 Megabytes in PKZIP self extracting form. The largest TEXT file is essa1993.exe, at 383 kilobytes. When extracted they take up three times as many bytes. To later save space, you may delete the self-extracting files essa19??.exe, and essayspg.exe after you have run GOESSAYS as per instructions below. Keep all other files.

5. When the downloaded files are all in C:/GETWORDS Run (via DOS, of WINDOWS) the file GOESSAYS.EXE, to install the ESSAYS System in C:/GETWORDS/*.* --- No other changes will be made to your computer.

6. After running GOESSAYS.EXE you may Run the ESSAYS System:

  • Via DOS by typing C:\GETWORDS\ESSAYS <Enter>
  • Via an icon put on your WINDOWS Desktop and clicked on.
  • Via the task bar of WINDOWS and the Run Command.

7. Each of the ABPVE self-extracting distribution PKZIP files contains (in order by month and date) the texts of the ESSAYS written in each corresponding year. The ESSAYS System will work with as many, or as few, of them as you wish to download. See the below for more information on the file sizes.

8. Below the file names have been trimmed of the initial "essa" and the final ".exe". Following each trimmed name and a dash is the number of KiloBytes which each self-extracting file contains. You may use this information to anticipate relatively how long down-loading the various files will likely take on your computer. The LAST ENTRY corresponds to the largest file which contains programs, and takes the longest to download. It contains 1398 Kilo-bytes.

1971-000 1972-000 1973-238 1974-019 1975-036

1976-132 1977-352 1978-259 1979-256 1980-162

1981-075 1982-032 1983-048 1984-117 1985-188

1986-186 1987-161 1988-213 1989-280 1990-375

1991-318 1992-219 1993-382 1994-329 1995-288

1996-327 1997-318 1998-289 1999-343 2000-393
