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THIS WEB PAGE IS STILL BEING DEVELOPED TO FACILITATE OPEN AND HONEST DIALOGUES ABOUT TRANSITIONING INTO BEING A SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL CIVILIZATION -> -> -> GRACIOUSLY-ENCOURAGE-EACH-OTHER BE IN DIALOGUE ABOUT, AND TRANSITIONING-TOWARD ENJOYING BEING-AUTHENTICALLY-EACH-OTHER WITHIN A-LONG-TERM SUSTAINABLE-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION IN GOD'S ASTRONOMICALLY Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth! How can we most-helpfully DESCRIBE the Core-Foundations of Humane-Sustainable-Life-Styles-and-Ideals that can survive within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated - - - Blue-Spherical Space-Ship-Earth's Cooled-Solid-Crust - - - that is about 10 Miles-Thick - - - Enclosing Earth's 8,00 Miles-in-Diameter Interior-Sphere of Red-Hot-Fluid Rock-and-Iron.

CLICK ON THIS LINE FOR A MULTITUDE OF LINKS ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY-LOCALLY-AND-GLOBALLY - - - CREATED IN 2010 WITH ALL OF ITS LINKS TESTED AND WORKING IN MARCH 2012. ========================================================================================================================================================================================= What-Are-The IDENTIFIABLE TRULY-ENDURING-CONCEPTUAL-FOUNDATIONS - - - for ANY LONG-TERM-SUSTAINABLE HUMANE-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION? ========================================================================================================================================================================================= =====> CLICK HERE to ANONYMOUSLY RESPOND ON A SURVEY-DOCUMENT about the FOUNDATIONS of TRULY-ROBUST-BALANCED-GLOBAL STABILITY-and-SUSTAINABILITY <===== { THE SURVEY IS BEING UPDATED - - - AND IS NOW CLOSED - - - PLEASE CHECK BACK AT SOME CONVENIENT FUTURE DATE. } Some people may find portions of the survey of little interest/concern. Feel free to fill out only the portions of interest/concern for you.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Click here for Some Thoughtful People's Responses to the Question: Are there principled reasons to do what's right for the planet? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

What are the Core Objective-and-Reflexive Facts-and-Factors that are Most-Relevant to Humane-Sustainable-Life-Styles? 1. Earth - - - has limited exhaustible supplies Fossil-Fuels such as Oil, Natural-Gas, Coal and Other-Organic-Materials. 2. Earth's Exhaustible Fossil-Fuels - - - - will-Not-Last-Long due to the Exponential-Growth-in-Humans' Consumption Rates. 3. Using Fossil-Fuels-Much-Faster - - - - - will destroy civilization through catastrophic Global-Climate-Changes! 4. Most-Exponential-Growths - - - - - - - - are Long-Term-Terrors in God's Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth! 5. Mortals' Economic-Growth-Patterns - - - must be Civilized for Civilization to become Long-Term-Sustainable! 6. Mortals' Concentrations of Powers-and-Wealth - - - are sources of many TERRORS! 7. Mortals' Greed - - - - - - does not serve as a Secure-Foundation for Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 8. Mortals' Pretensions - - - are not Secure-Foundations for Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 9. Mortals' Arrogance is - - - not a Secure-Foundation for Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 10. Mortals' Egocentricities - are not Secure-Foundations for Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 11. Mortals' Winnings in Collusive Games of Mutual Self Deception - - - are not Secure-Foundations for Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 12. Mortals' Winnings in Alienative-Conflicts-and-Contests - - - - - - are not Secure-Foundations for Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 13. Mortals' Military-Efforts to Defeat/Beat Bullies-and-Mobsters with-their-Alienative-Technologies KILL Civilization's Long-Term-Sustainability! 14. Non-Violent-Resistors of Bullies-and-Mobsters - - - Expose-to-Public-View their Life-Styles-Ideals-TECHNOLOGIES AS ESSENTIALLY-DESTRUCTIVE! 15. Non-Violent-Resistors of Bullies-and-Mobsters - - - Expose-to-Public-View their Life-Styles-Ideals-TECHNOLOGIES AS ESSENTIALLY-NON-SUSTAINABLE! 16. Mortals' Military-Efforts to DEFEAT/BEAT Bullies-and-Mobsters with Technocratic-Alienative Efforts-and-Terrors ARE ESSENTIALLY-NON-SUSTAINABLE! 17. ALIENATION and ALIENATIVE-TECHNOLOGIES ARE-AT-THE-CORE OF ALL Life-Styles-and-Ideals THAT ARE ESSENTIALLY-NON-SUSTAINABLE! 18. Mortals' TECHNOCRATIC-WAYS to DEFEAT/BEAT Bullies-and-Mobsters with Technocratic-Alienative Efforts-and-Terrors ARE ESSENTIALLY-NON-SUSTAINABLE! 19. Gandhi, Martin-Luther-King and Nelson Mandela - - - Exposed-to-Public-View MANY Life-Styles-Ideals-TECHNOLOGIES AS ESSENTIALLY-NON-SUSTAINABLE! 20. All Humane-Founders of Sustainable Religious-Ways - Exposed-to-Public-View MANY Life-Styles-Ideals-TECHNOLOGIES AS ESSENTIALLY-NON-SUSTAINABLE! The following KEY-WORDS POINT-TOWARD Essential-Foundations for the LONG-TERM-SURVIVAL of Mortals'-Civilization: Modesty Humility Empathy Sympathy Kindness Generosity Hospitality Inclusivity Cooperation Collaboration Coordination Reconciliation Diplomacy Forgiveness Healing Health-Care Gentleness Tolerance Patience Integrations Integrities Authenticity Coherence Intimacies Listening Dialogues Questions Responses Courtships True-Lovers Conflict-Mitigation Alienation-Mitigation The following Tragic-Words POINT-TOWARD Signs-of-the-Threatening-Absence of the above Key-Foundations for a Sustainable-Civilization: Cynicism Indifference Negligence Pessimism Negativity Denigration Alienation Conflicts Debates Pretensions Attacks Defenses Invulnerability Securities Guarantees Guards Inequalities Ranks Orders Demands Commands Prescriptions Domination Coercion Taboos Violence Torture Prisons Emperors Punishments Executions Bribes ==================================================================================================================================================================== We may most-helpfully-augment future-discussions-of conflicts-over-OUR-SUSTAINABILITY issues - - - by inviting many people to suggest REALITIES that can BE-HELPFULLY-RANK-ORDERED by diverse-people voting-by-using-the FAR-BELOW-SCALE marked from +5 down to -5 "Realities" which-are-truly-private - - - AND-ARE Unlikely-to-Threaten LONG-TERM GLOBAL STABILITY-AND-SUSTAINABILITY - - - - are-not-the-focus-here. To-the=extent-that "Realities" pertain to private-relationships; AND MAY-LONG-TERM-AFFECT THE GLOBAL-STABILITY-AND-SUSTAINABILITY OF OUR-CIVILIZATION; THEY-BELONG-HERE; e.g. - - - the numbers-of-children born to each sexually-intimate couple. "Realities" that-belong-here, should-include those "Realities" that MAY-LONG-TERM-AFFECT THE GLOBAL-STABILITY-AND-SUSTAINABILITY OF OUR-CIVILIZATION; such-as: HUMANS'-AND-CORPORATIONS' OWN PRIORITY-PERCEPTIONS-OF-RELEVANT: ideals, values, principles, grounds-for-hope, virtues, goals, means, traditions, power-and-wealth-concentrations, technologies, technocrats, sciences, engineers, manufactured-goods, garbage, trash, finite-resources, ignorance, alienation, arrogance, pretensions, climate-changes, economies, theories, doctrines, priority-affirmations, priority-negations, absolute-truths, dogmas, diseases, addictions; and the-reliably-known-and-described reliable-patterns-of-interaction among objective-and-reflexive realities. What are the Core-Realities that Most-COHERENTLY-AUGMENT or Most-DANGEROUSLY-THREATEN the STABILITY-and-SUSTAINABILITY - - OF HUMANE-CIVILITY AND-OF GOD's GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION within GOD's ASTRONOMICALLY Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical Blue Space-Ship-Earth with limited-exhaustible-material-resources within its 10 mile-thick cooled-solid-crust enclosing its 8,000 miles-in-diameter RED-HOT-FLUID-CORE? INTER-RELATED SUGGESTED-REALITIES ARE LISTED IN NUMBERED-CLUSTERS-BELOW:

(1) The-Exhaustion of IRREPLACEABLE Space-Ship-Earth's Finite-Supplies of ACCESSIBLE-Sufficiently-Pure Coveted-Forms-of: a. Oil b. Natural Gas c. Coal d. Ancient-Organic-Fibers e. Fresh-Organic-Fibers f. Pure-Water g. Pure Air h. Copper-Minerals i. Silver-Minerals j. Gold-Minerals k. Platinum-Minerals l. Chromium-Minerals m. Rare-Earth-Minerals n. Nobel-Gases o. Hydrogen p. Helium q. Lithium r. Uranium s. Aluminum t. Iron u. Iodine v. Chromium w. Tungsten x. Xenon z. Zirconium (2) The Unlimited-Unrestrained-Endless Exponential-Growth in the following realities: a. The Total Number of Mortals within GOD's Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth's Cooled-Solid-Crust - - that is
About-10-Miles-Thick - - - Enclosing its 8,000 Miles-in-Diameter Core which IS-FULL-OF a RED-HOT Slowly-Flowing-Fluid - - - comprised of Rock-Stuff and Iron; hottest-at-the-center.
b. The GROWING per-capita-per-year rates-of-consumption - - - of most-kinds of Material-Resources within God's Astronomically-Tiny-Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth. (3) The Long-Term Destabilizing-Effects of Inhumane, Alienating and Unkind-Realities such as: a. Greed-and-Hoarding, b. Competitions-and-Conflicts between/among: Domineering-Bullies Mobbing-Mobsters Terrorists Militants Purists c. Concentrators-of: Wealth Powers Influence AND Luxuries d. Unilateral-Intrusions-into the Private Lives of Well-Integrated True-Lovers and of Mitigators-of: Conflicts Born-of-Alienations and Born-of-Alienated-Bullies. e. The-creation-of-new-modern-forms-of Terrors and Terrorism. f. The-uninvited pervasive-intrusion-into-daily-lives by FOR-PROFIT: Advertisements Distracting-Entertainments Denigrations Negations and Threats g. Wealthy-Powerful-People's Oppressive-Impositions of Unwelcomed: Taboos Commands Demands Expectations and Excommunications. h. The-EXPONENTIAL-GROWTH of Coalitions of For-Profit-Only-Corporations with more COMMUNICATION-RIGHTS than True-Lovers and Reconcilers have ever had. i. The-EXPONENTIAL-GROWTH of DENIGRATIONS of: Diversity, Creativity, Tolerance, Cooperation, Collaboration, Coordination, Diplomacy, Humility. j. The-EXPONENTIAL-GROWTH of RESPECT FOR: DOMINATION VIOLENCE TERRORS FEARS COERCION INTOLERANCE IMPATIENCE PRETENSIONS DENIGRATIONS NEGATIONS (4) The-EXPONENTIAL-DECAY of RESPECT FOR: BALANCE MODESTY HUMILITY EMPATHY SYMPATHY GENEROSITY HOSPITALITY KINDNESS AUTHENTICITY INTEGRITY ================================================================================================================================================================================== It may be helpful to gather from diverse people their RANKINGS of how seriously the above suggested realities THREATEN AND/OR AUGMENT-THE SUSTAINABILITY OF Civility and of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION; within the 10 miles-thick cooled-solid-crust around the 8,000 miles in diameter RED-HOT-FLUID-CORE of GOD'S ASTRONOMICALLY-TINY AND ISOLATED Space-Ship-Earth with its finite supplies of fossil fuels and pure-accessible mineral-resources. The following pattern-for-ranking-realities may-be-helpful. Rank What the rank says About-each-particular-reality - - - in the perspective of the person offering a particular "ranking". +5 Is BY-ITSELF INHERENTLY-ESSENTIAL to the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION within-which it BY-ITSELF - - - plays Important-Roles in Sustaining OUR-Global-CIVILIZATION. +4. Is present-within-COHERENT-Clusters-of-Realities that COHERENTLY-TOGETHER are INHERENTLY-ESSENTIAL to the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION within-which their-presences - - - CLEARLY play Important-Roles in Sustaining OUR-Global-CIVILIZATION. +3. Is present-within-COHERENT-Clusters-of-Realities that COHERENTLY-TOGETHER are IMPORTANT TO the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. +2. Is present-within-Some-Clusters-of-Realities that TOGETHER-may-possibly-act in ways which help-to-Sustain OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. +1. Is present-within-Some-Clusters-of-Realities that INCOHERENTLY-TOGETHER-may-possibly-act in diverse-ways which BOTH-SUSTAIN-AND-IN-THE-LONG-TERM THREATEN-OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. 0. Is probably overall-neutral in regards to the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. -1. Is present-within-Incoherent-Clusters-of-Realities that TOGETHER-may-possibly-act in ways which IN-THE-LONG-TERM THREATEN THE-SUSTAINABILITY-OF-OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION -2. Is present-within-Incoherent-Clusters-of-Realities that TOGETHER PROBABLY-ACT in ways which IN-THE-LONG-TERM THREATEN the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION -3. Is present-within-Incoherent-Clusters-of-Realities that TOGETHER are INHERENTLY-INCOMPATIBLE with the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. -4. Is BY-ITSELF INHERENTLY-INCOMPATIBLE with the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. -5 Is BY-ITSELF a sure sign that there is NOT-NOW a truly Healthy-and-Authentic Long-Term SUSTAINABLE Civilization as One-Whole-Reality. ====================================================================================================================================================== The following document is FAR-TOO-INCLUSIVE-AND-LONG TO BE USED WITH ANY BEGINNING GROUP! To be workable as a means to encourage any group of participants to engage in open and honest dialogue about their PERCEPTIONS of what are likely to be the major current threats to the SUSTAINABILITY-of-Modern-Civilization - - - this document will most likely need to be "trimmed" rather extensively - - - by leaders who are willing to lead in such an effort to match-the-document to-a-likely-larger group. In fact, it may be best to have an initial meeting of people who are willing to explore the following question - - - - to begin by sharing diverse perspectives about what they regard as the Major current threats to the SUSTAINABILITY-of-Modern-Civilization as they know it. Participants who are willing to offer input might be asked to take turns giving a one to two minute personal response to the question; with the understanding that it will not be helpful for any debate to flow from such offerings. Requests for clarifications would be helpful. No one persons should be allowed to make any extended presentation. Visiting about each other's presentations would be helpful. Dialogue will be helpful. Overall; debates and lectures will not be helpful! What HUMAN PERSPECTIVES need to be the focus of local-early-discussions about the SUSTAINABILITY-Of God' GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION? Difference people, have different PERSPECTIVES - - - regarding different-major-threats to what-we-values-most in our long-traditional life-styles, relationships, ideals, values principles, grounds-for-hope, virtues and goals. We need to become aware of how we differ in our views of each other's DIFFERENT-PERSPECTIVES - - - to become able to discuss our DIFFERENT-PERSPECTIVES honestly-with-each-other. Consider the possible significant-perspectives of different-humans - - - regarding the following-statements about what are perceived by some of us - - - to be major threats to most-of-what-we-value: You are below asked to share your own views about which of the following possible DIFFERENT-PERSPECTIVES; should be the early-foci of discussions within some Plymouth-Church Discussion-Groups. Which PERSPECTIVES need to be discussed early in our open-and-honest dialogues-about how-sustainable our Civility and OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION Are -Now? What additional PERSPECTIVES, not listed here, should also be discussed-early in our open-and-honest-dialogues about how-sustainable our Civility and OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION Are-Now? Regardless of what your own PERSPECTIVES are; you may best set them aside; while making recommendations; about which PERSPECTIVES should be discussed early in our open-and-honest-dialogues-about the SUSTAINABILITY of OUR-GLOBAL- civilization as it now exists. Facilitating the beginning of open-and-honest dialogues - - - is more important than winning-early! In due course - - - participants will each be asked to cast 20 votes in support of focusing soon upon a particular few PERSPECTIVES presented-at-that-time-for priority voting; each voter distributing their 20 votes upon whatever set of presented PERSPECTIVES they recommend should be the early-focus of upcoming open-and-honest-dialogues. A private self- generated 9-digest number in the response medium will help us to ascertain whether each item received support from many respondents; or from just a few respondents.
=============================================== SOME POSSIBLE PERSPECTIVES ================================================ 1. OUR-GLOBAL-Civilization IS NOW-DEPLEATING Earth's-Limited-Fossil-Fuels to power: our cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, electric-power-plants, and military-establishments - - - Augmenting-and-Moderating OUR-GLOBAL-CLIMATE-CHANGES. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2. OUR-GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION Really-Can in-a-timely-way shift into using MOSTLY non-fossil-fuel sources-of-energy - - - as Fossil- Fuels become less and less accessible/useable; moving US TOWARD planet-wide fossil-fuel-exhaustion and CLIMATE-CHANGES. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3. Scientists are not well-enough-grounded overall - - - in all-that-really-matters - - - to be able to give independent reliable guidance in how to respond most wisely to these different PERSPECTIVES. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4. The most LONG-TERM reliable HUMANE-GUIDES towards how to most-sustainably and most-robustly - - - deal-with the above conflicting PERSPECTIVES; are professional: economists, political-leaders, investment-brokers and rich-investors. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5. We should-not, and must-not - - - fret greatly about the above conflicting PERSPECTIVES - - - because ultimately GOD IS IN CHARGE - - - and we must look to God to unilaterally-resolve our conflicts for us. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6. It is dangerous for us to believe that some ONE particular Isolated-Perspective - - - regarding these conflicts, is more reliable, robust and sustainable - - - than Any-Coherent CLUSTER-OF Truly-Complimentary-Perspectives. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7. There is little if anything that any particular individual: person, family, church-congregation, communal-action-group, etc. - - - can do to help make a significant difference. Only the MOST-POWERFUL-AND-WEALTHY-COALITIONS CAN MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE! 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8. These conflicts between PERSPECTIVES - - - will have relatively little impact upon people within our middle class people - - - within this city and near-by cities; in the coming few decades. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9. How we take initiatives with respect to these differing PERSPECTIVES will have major impacts upon all humans within God's Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10. Agreeing upon correct and reliable Theological-Statements-and-Affirmations - - - will be far more important than the above considerations - - - and the above should NOT distract us - - - from Real-Traditional God-Talk. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11. We cannot change human nature and/or the long prevailing patterns of human behavior; so we should not waste our time, efforts and energies - - - in trying to change the long-term prevailing patterns in humans' behaviors. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12. We should not let ourselves get-distracted-from all of the ESSENTIAL-And-Adequate Truths; which are obviously present within the eternally-reliable texts of the Bible. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13. We cannot change the fact that it is the most dominant humans who always prevail in all human conflicts - - - which are born of alienation; and augment past patterns of alienation. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14. The-eternally-reliable laws-of-economics cannot be changed, and we must adjust to that-fact-of-life. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15. The-eternally-reliable laws-of-physics cannot be changes, and we must adjust to that fact-of-life. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16. Nonviolent-Ways-of-Mitigating Conflicts-which-Generate-Alienation - - - have always been more helpfully-reliable-and-sustainable - - - than have the Alienation-Generating Violent-Ways of Resolving-Conflicts. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17. Alienation is generated by people's unilateral-actions which are guided-and-abetted by: Greed, Hoarding, Coveting, Terrors, Anxieties, Fears, Ignorance, Prejudices, Provincialisms, Arrogance, Dishonesty and Pretensions. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 18. Reconciliations-and-Civil-Cooperation are guided-and-facilitated by True-Lovers who are Dedicated-to Mitigating In-Civil-Ways, Their-Own: Alienative-Conflicts and Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19. The Long-Term-SUSTAINABILITY of Mortals'-Civilization, will depend much upon Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about the Residual: Finite-Accessible pure-material-resources; within God's Spherical Space-Ship-Earth's 10 Mile-Thick Moving-Cooled-Solid-Crust - - - generating: volcanoes, earth-quakes, tsunami, and Our-Globally Changing-Destructive Climates. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20. The long-Term-SUSTAINABILITY of Mortals'-Civilization will NOT DEPEND to any great extent on any pure-material-resources which are NOW-OUTSIDE of God's Space-Ship-Earth's 10 Mile-Thick Moving Cooled-and-Fragmented Solid-Crust-Pieces; surrounding its RED-HOT-CORE. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. TRADITIONALLY-REVERED theological statements/doctrines and/or taboos that will most likely need to be examined openly-and-honestly, to discern if they have played roles in leading mortals to fail-to-see their responsibilities in transitioning-into long-term-sustainable life-styles - - - based upon ideals, values, principles, grounds for hope and virtues - - - which are long-term-sustainable within isolated Planet-Earth's thin crust with finite-material-resources. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22. TRADITIONALLY-REVERED concentrations of wealth, powers and influence; that will most likely need to be examined openly-and-honestly, to discern if they have played roles in leading mortals to fail-to-see their responsibilities to transition intentionally into long-term-sustainable life-styles based upon ideals, values, principles, grounds-for-hope and virtues - - - which are long-term-sustainable within isolated Planet-Earth's thin crust with only-finite material-resources. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23. TRADITIONALLY-REVERED: political, economic and/or scientific teachings that will most likely need to be examined openly-and-honestly; to discern if they have played some roles in leading mortals to fail-to-see their responsibilities in transitioning into long-term-sustainable life-styles based upon ideals, values, principles, grounds for hope and virtues - - - which are long-term-sustainable within isolated Planet-Earth's thin crust with finite material resources. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24. TRADITIONALLY-REVERED and isolated: ideals, values, principles, grounds-for-hope and virtues that will most likely need to be examined openly-and-honestly, to discern if they have played roles in leading mortals to fail-to-see their responsibilities in transitioning into long-term-sustainable life-styles based upon ideals, values, principles, grounds for hope and virtues - - - which are long- term-sustainable within isolated Planet-Earth thin crust with finite material resources. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25. TRADITIONALLY-REVERED: patterns of exclusivity, rank-orderings, segregation that will most likely need to be examined openly-and-honestly, to discern if they have played roles in leading mortals to fail-to-see their responsibilities in transitioning into long-term-sustainable life-styles - - - based upon ideals, values, principles, grounds for hope and virtues - - - which are long-term-sustainable in within isolated Planet-Earth's thin crust with finite material resources. 26. THE WAYS THAT WE CAN TRANSCEND-AND-LET-GO-OF our many forms of non-sustainable addictions to: drugs, work, persons, personal-relationships, domination, violence, coercion, greed, coveting, sexual- excesses, exponential growths, shopping, ownership, luxuries, pretensions, arrogance, domination, coercion, wars, terrorism, technocracies, dishonesty, extremism, etc. 27. Which of the following long-term-sustainable: ideals, values, principles and virtues are most ESSENTIAL to making a gracious intentional transition toward becoming a long-term-sustainable Our-Global-Civilization? AFFECTION AFFIRMATIONS BALANCE COOPERATION COLLABORATION COORDINATION DIALOGUES EMPATHY FELLOWSHIP FORGIVENESS FRIENDSHIPS GENEROSITY HUMILITY HEALINGS HEALTH-CARE HONESTY HOPE HOSPITALITY INTIMACY JOY KINDNESS LISTENING LOVE MODESTY MUTUALITY RESPECT RECONCILIATIONS SHALOM TOLERANCE SYMPATHY 28. Which of the following long-term-UN-SUSTAINABLE types-of-inhumane-behaviors - - - are the Greatest-Threats to US making a Gracious-Intentional-Transition toward-being a LONG-TERM-SUSTAINABLE Global-Civilization?