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A large fraction of criticism among domineering-people is directed, even if indirectly, at particular people/groups: by name, by allusion, by pejoritive labels, etc. Rarely is there clarity about what essential-foundations for personal-and-communal integrations-and-integrities have been violated. Rarely is there any effort to clarify the inter-relationships among mutually-complementary positive-affirmations. The criticisms are directed at people-in-conflict rather than to the resolution of perceived-conflicts among mutually-complementary-affirmations of: ideals, values, principles, hopes, aspirations, visions, etc.

Essays made available here demonstrate a contrasting approach. It is rare that that any criticism is directed toward any particular person or group; referenced either directly or by indirection. There is generally a focus upon calling attention to the natural-flow between tragic: assumptions-attitudes-thoughts-decisions-and-actions on the one hand; and the consequent-alienations-and-dysfunctional-responses which follow. The focus is overall upon the Diagnostic-Signs which suggest a prognosis of unintended-consequences which were not thoughtfully anticipated or prudently considererd in any coherent way.

Compare the above-text (written-before-the-balloting of November-2006-within-the-USA.) with the complementary text on the web page criticsg.htm (written-early-in-the-morning of November 9, 2006). Think about the differences. The text below here, is the same on the two web pages.


The focus of essays is often upon demonstrations of honesty in carrying out reflexive-systems-analyses of: humane and/or inhumane relationships and their entirely natural consequences which flow independent of humans' designs, intentions, hopes and/or expectations.

The focus of essays is often upon attempting to clarify the most-essential-virtues and the most-alienative-vices; and upon how they are all interwoven in the complex fabric of the life of each real community --- as it interacts with each other real community within the context of our finite Space-Ship-Earth.

Somtimes an essay seeks to clarify how an individual within a community which is guilty-of-distributive injustice-as-a-whole-community ---

yet can-be as-an-individual --- complicit-in communal-distributive-injustice ---

even though not-guilty as-an-individual of having-been distributively-unjust ---

even while unaware of how the community-as-a-whole is tragically-guilty of distributive-injustice.

Communal-Injustice is a reality which isolated and/or alienated individuals find hard to understand and/or comprehend.

It is tragic when a community-as-a-whole is also unaware of its Communal-Injustice in spite of its simplistic-highest-ideals. Tragedies occur when people are unaware of Diagnostic-Signs of the differences between: (1) not-enough, (2) enough and (3) more-than-enough --- when alienation-is-rampant due to excessive-concentrations of wealth-and-powers.

Tragedies are rooted in simplistic-highest-family-values --- in the absence of truly-integrative communal-ideals.

Often an essay seeks to expand the powers of language to point to all of the above and the essential-more --- which is not even alluded to above.

How can we all get from here to a more coherent pattern of living within our finite Space-Ship-Earth --- through progressive stages of gracious-integration?

What is The-Way-of-Shalom?


With some effort visitors can search with the help of 2google.htm for essays which are relevant to some of the issues which are raised above.