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There are some Domineering-Bullies that are Compulsively-Preoccupied with a particular set of,
to them, Essential-Questions - - - which they cannot Let-Go-Of - - - and which they cannot 
Let-Others-Let-Go-Of.  The following are among some such Alienative-Questions to which they CLING!

 1.  Who is:    Good?     Evil?    Superior?    Inferior?          Saved?   Dammed?  

     Going-to-Heaven?     Going-to-Hell?        Originally-Evil-at-Birth?   Predestined-to-HELL!

 2.  What are the Means-to-Salvation - - - which can-best-be manipulated by mortals?

 3.  What are the Signs-of-Salvation - - - which can-best-be manipulated by mortals?

 4.  What is the Nature-of-God       - - - which can-best-be manipulated by mortals?

 5.  What are the Powers-of-God      - - - which can-best-be manipulated by mortals?

 6.  Where is the Presence-of-God    - - - most accessible to the manipulation by mortals?

 7.  What does God-Know              - - - which can help mortals to exercise more powers?

 8.  How is God Like-Us              - - - and so amenable to our influence?

 9.  How can our Knowledge of God    - - - help us to concentrate powers, wealth and influence?

10.  How can we learn more about God - - - so that we can-best-be more successful/dominant?

11.  What can we not know about God  - - - so we can-better-dominate those who believe they know?

12.  What relevance are our experiences  - so we can-better-dominate those who trust them too much?

13.  What advantage can we gain here - - - over people who are-inferior-to-us in-our-superiority?

14.  What other clever questions     - - - can we take advantage of and be-more-perfect/dominant?