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Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters generate Alienative-Conflicts - - - because their
efforts focus upon Odd-Numbered-Activities on the lines below - - - rather than upon Even-
Numbered-Activities on the lines below:

 1. Eliminating-or-Controlling EVIL: People, Behaviors, Thoughts, Ideals, Desires, Hopes,  
    Expectations, Things, Images, Etc.
 2. Facilitating and Augmenting: Gracious-Mutually-Appreciated  Open-and-Honest-Dialogues and 

 3. Concentrating:  Wealth, Powers, Influence and Controls - - - into their own hands and into
    the hands of like-other-people.

 4. Distributing-Equally-in-Just-Ways: Powers, Wealth and Resources to help people to work locally
    in meeting all of their own most-basic-and-healthy-humane-needs - - - which they locally agree
    are their own most-basic-and-healthy-needs - - - consistent-with helping all members of the
    crew of Space-Ship-Earth - - - to Work-Collaboratively to Mitigate their Own-Alienative-
    Conflicts within Shalom's-Many-Gracious-Ways-of-LOVE in Sanctuaries for ALL to enjoy being-in