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Unilateral-Initiatives taken by Domineering-Bullies and mobbing-Mobsters - - -

Often generate Alienative-Conflicts and Destructive-Patterns-of-Alienation - - -

Which lead to the ABSENCE-Of-Gracious: Hospitality, Generosity, Diplomacy, 
Distributive-Justice and Integrative-Initiatives - - - Leading Because-of-those-ABSENCES - - -

TO THE ADDITIONAL ABSENCE-of-Gracious: Reconciliations, Healings and Mitigations-of-our
Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - etc. - - -  BECAUSE OF THE RESULTANT AUGMENTATIONS OF: - - -

Insensitivity      Indifference     Indolence    Cynicism     Pessimism   Suspicions

Controls           Conformity       Confusion   Laziness     Lethargy     Legalities

All of our Behaviors are: Inter-Linked and Inter-Dependent in many kinds of FEED-BACK-LOOPS!


                                 For the Technically-Oriented:

POSITIVE-Feed-Back-Loops in the sense of Self-Augmenting-Loops can have extremly 

NEGATIVE-Feed-Back-Loops in the sense of Self-Mitigating-Loops can have extremly

Thus the use of the terms "Positive-Feed-Back-Loop" and "Negative-Feed-Back-Loop" can have