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The Key-to-Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts within God's-Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated-Space-
Ship-Earth  IS  to Work-for-Gracious Mind-Sets-and-Moods  which  Lead-People to Admire, Honor,
Support and Revere - - - Behaviors that are Described on Even-Numbered-Lines-Below; and to
Transcend-and-Mitigate OUR-Behaviors that are Described on Odd-Numbered Lines-Below:

1. Engage in and WIN Alienative-Conflicts.
2. Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts.

3. Identify-and-Eliminate  EVIL-People and their EVIL-Behaviors.
4. Mitigate Our-Own Pretentions and Arrogance.

5. Demonstrate How We Are-Superior-People Controlling-Inferior-People.
6. Demonstrate Being-Together in Shalom's Many-Reconciling-Ways of LOVE.

How can we who are so inclined, most-helpfully Refine-the-above-KEY to Mitigating-

How can we who are so inclined, most-helpfully Cooperate/Collaborate in such efforts?

People who are In-LOVE in Shalom's Gracious-Ways seek to share their: Insights, Ideals,
Values, Principles, etc.  with each other; however too-rarely have they found how to 
agree fully on Coherent-Clusters of Mutually-Complementary: Ideals, Values, Principles,
Virtues, etc.  - - - and so differences arise as to THE IMPORTANCE OF:

 1. What is MOST important?
 2. Exclusivity?
 3. Coalitions?
 4. Purity?
 5. Discipline?
 6. Love?
 7. Sympathy?
 8. Empathy?
 9. Obedience?
10. Sensitivity?
11. Domination?
12. Unity?
13. Loyalty?
14. Generosity?
15. Hospitality?
16. Team-Work?
17. Creativity?
18. Authenticity?
19. Personal-Integrity?
20. Communal-Integrity?
21. Long-Term-Sustainability?
22. Mitigating-Our-Own-Conflicts?

True-Lovers and Domineering-Bullies have great difficulties trying to agree upon
any coherent set of Mutually-Complementary-Clusters of: Ideals, Values, Principles,
which are essential to Civility and Civilization within God's Astronomically-Tiny-
and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth!

                     Be Graciously-Together Within-Shalom's-Many-Ways!