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True-Lovers seek-to-transcend and to Let-Go-Of the Games-of-Alienative-Competition which

Honor, Lead and Try-to-WIN; Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception regarding What-IS:

Possible      Impossible      GOOD       EVIL        RIGHT      WRONG

Sustainable   Non-Sustainable Honorable  Destructive Admirable  Alienative

True-Lovers seek to Let-Go of Preoccupations with the Concerns-and-Interest of
Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters - - - that lead many people into Alienative-
Conflicts and so into Patterns of Tragic-Alienations which endure tragically long times.

True-Lovers focus upon helping Each-Other and Domineering-Bullies to recognize that it
in the best interests  OF  all of them, FOR  all of  them to learn how to Cooperate-all-
around In-the-Long-Term in Mitigating-Their-Common-Alienative-Conflicts which are 
UNDERMINING-THEIR-SUSTAINABILITY within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-
Ship-Earth.  Domineering-Bullies cannot be Invulnerable to the Destruction of: 

                                  OUR Space-Ship-Earth's 

It is in our Common-Interest for   OUR Space-SHIP-Earth's SUSTAINABILITY TO BE PROTECTED!

We all NEED Beyond-Question  for   OUR Space-SHIP-Earth's SUSTAINABILITY TO BE SUSTAINED!

We will not be able to achieve SUSTAINABILITY if we are ALIENATED from each other!

Alienation is the "normal-state-of-being" so long as we are trying to Dominate-Each-Other!

Alienation is the "normal-state-of-being" so long as we are trying to Control-Each-Other!

Ignorance  is the "normal-state-of-being" so long as the above efforts "Prevail" over-all.

Ignorance  is the "normal-state-of-being" so long as We-Together avoid True-Systems-Analyses."

However, for some, All-that-Matters is - - Appearing   As-If  We-Are  Unilaterally-In-Control!

   In the above States-of-Being-Together  we are Headed for  Utter-Chaos - - - TOGETHER!