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What are the symptoms of the presence-of-Evil and-of-Good?  The symptoms pertain to the quality of the 
personal-relationships between-and-among people-and-their-communities; e.g.:

Alienations     Contentions       Conflicts    Coercion    Reconciliations    Healings      Cooperation

Colaboration    Disintegrations   Destruction  Despair     Depression         Integrations  Creativity

Integrities     Authenticity      Pretentions  Arrogance   Egotism            Jealousy      Honesty

Dialogue        Listening         Sympathy     Secrecy     Duplicity          Confusion     Segregation

Repression      Excommunications  Shunnings    Exclusivity Reconciliation     Forgiveness   Hospitality

Generosity      Oppression        Violence     Coercion    Superiority        Humility      Meekness

Modesty         Prudence          Greed        Hoarding    Clinging           Concentrating Consulting

                          Consult Roget's Thesaurus for even more Related-Words!


It is Tragically-Misleading to think-and-talk about EVIL and GOOD as present within ISOLATED:

People          Things            Places       Ideas       Groups-of-People   Images        Texts

Statements      Views             Perspective  Truths      Relationships      Goals         Impressions


It is Tragically-Misleading to believe that the Amount-of  GOOD can be UNILATERALLY-AUGMENTED by any of
the numbered activities below.

It is Tragically-Misleading to believe that the Amount-of- EVIL can be UNILATERALLY-MITIGATED by any of
the numbered activities below.

It is Tragically-Possible to Mitigate-GOOD-Relationships and to Augment-EVIL-Relationships UNILATERALLY!   Sad!

 1. Isolated actions by any person or group of persons.
 2. Preaching or Lecturing in any isolated way or context.
 3. Legislating and/or Issuing-Commandments and/or Laws.
 4. Any Judicial-System or Policy-Making-Administration.
 5. The Creation of any Moral or Ethical CODE.
 6. The Creation of or Promulgation of any Religious: Doctrines, Rituals or Liturgies.
 7. The Concentration of: Wealth, Powers or Influence.
 8. Political-Activities by any Dominant-People and/or Leaders.
 9. Actions of People with Superior-Powers and/or Wealth.
10. The Presence of Superior-People or Superior-Coalitions-of-People.