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Domineering-Bullies are sometimes: Distressed, Embarrassed, Fearful, Anxious, Nervous, Terrorized - -
but do not; understand or clearly describe the actual causes/roots of the above - - - and behave in 
ways that suggest/imply that other people are responsible in some vague ways; for what seems to be 
"wrong", and that they as Domineering-Bullies bear little if any responsibility for what seems-to-
them, to be "wrong".

In the above contexts - - - Vulnerable-True-Lovers and Facilitators of Mitigations-of-Alienative-
Conflicts - - -  need to help to describe and clarify:

 1. The natures of the Present-Alienative-Conflicts and their Historic-Roots,
 2. The Participants-and-Victims of the Present-Alienative-Conflicts - - - and their Costs,
 3. The Unmet  Most-Basic-and-Healthy Humane-Needs,
 4. The Unmet  "Common-but-Unhealthy" Human-Wants-Desires-Demands,
 5. The Complex-Ways in which the above realities interact with each other,
 6. The Possible-Gracious-Ways-of-Being-Together In-Shalom  - - - Engaged in Mitigating:
    Alienative-Conflicts    Alienations    Misunderstandings   Ignorance      Distrust      Suspicions

    Domination              Coercion       Contentiousness     Polarizations  Dichotomies   Confusion

Most-Likely, it will not help - - - to be concerned with the relative degrees of:

    Guilt                   Blame          Complicity          Control        Domination    Oppression

    which should be assigned to various people who have been complicit in and/or victims of what has
    already happened.  Trying to work in terms of "THE-SCORE" will probably perpetuate/augment the past
    Alienative-Conflicts and Alienations;  through preoccupations with Domineering-Bullies' Beliefs 
    about their: "Rights", "Duties", "Privileges", "Responsibilities", "Powers" and "Accumulated-Wealth".

In the above contexts - - - trying to "Correct" or "Compensate-For" - - - Past-Tragedies  is likely to 
undermine the possibility of learning anything from the Past-Tragedies; by obscuring the actual roots 
of Past-Tragedies - - - in  Conflicting-Patterns of Simplistic-Isolated: Ideals, Values, Principles,
Virtues, Hopes, Expectations, Visions, Dreams, etc. - - - that   In-Reality ARE-NOT-SUSTAINABLE-IN-