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What are the Essential-Elements of Open-and-Honest-Dialogue?

How do people learn:

     To be  Emotionally-Responsive  in Healthy-Ways  within Open-and-Honest-Dialogues?

	To  Accept-Each-Other's  Authentic-Emotional-Responses  within Open-and-Honest-Dialogues?

            To become  Involved-Together  within Integrative-Ways  within Shalom's-Many-Diverse-Ways?

                 It often involves Transcending  TRAGIC-INHIBITING-FACTORS that create ALIENATIONS!

What are the TRAGIC-FACTORS which INHIBIT:  Open-and-Honest-Dialogues and Emotionally-Honest-
Responses therein?  Read the following - - - carefully-and-thoughtfully!  

Such TRAGIC-FACTORS include all-those-that  RELIABLY-INHIBIT   the Possibilities of People-
Letting-Go-of-Alienative-Defenses and  THEREAFTER in - - - Prudent-and-Wise-Ways
Taking-Appropriate-Risks of Being-Open-and-Honest in  Emotionally-Responsive  - - -  Accepting-Each-Other 
into the Many-Gracious-Intimate-Ways-of-Shalom   which  INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING GRACIOUS REALITIES:

 1. The MEANINGFUL-AUGMENTATION of Clear-Signs of:   Welcomes,      Hospitality,    Generosity,       Sharing,
    Appreciation,       Diversity,    Tolerance,     Creativity,    Relaxation,     Hope,             Integrity,
    Intimacy,           Sexuality,    Empathy,       Sympathy,      Sensitivity,    Kindness,         Gentleness

 2. The MEANINGFUL-MITIGATIONS of Clear-Signs-Of:    Anxiety,       Terrors,        Defensive-Mind-Sets-and-RUTS
    Vague-Fears,        Secret-Fears, Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception,     Negativity,       Hubris,
    Contentions-Positioning,          Polarization,  Dichotomies,   Greed,          Hoarding,         Techniques,
    Conspicuous-Consumptions,         Resource-Exhaustions,         Genocides,      Technocracy,      Technocrats,

 3. The MEANINGFUL-MITIGATION of:     Violence,      Domination,    Concentrations-of-Wealth,         Religious-Powers,
    Concentrations-of-Powers,         Militarism,    Coercion,      Arrogance,      Hubris,           Corporate-Powers,
    Enduring-Systemic-Poverty         Distributive---Injustice,     Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes,     
    Democracies-Undermined,           Dishonesty,    Unilaterils,   Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception,
    Honored-Political-Corruption,     Hopelessness,  Isolations,    Honored-Alienative-Conflicts,     Excommunications 
    Myths-about-Redemptive-Powers-in: Violence,      Coercion,      Domination,     GOOD-Unilateral-Plans-and-Actions 

In the light of the above considerations, what are the Appropriate-FOCI for
participants in Work-Shops, who are dedicated to helping EACH-OTHER to become 
able to help Each-Other and Yet-Others - - - to MITIGATE-THEIR-OWN-ALIENATIVE-

                  Consider the following suggested possibilities:

1. Openly-and-Honestly-Describing Their-Own-Backgrounds which may-make-it-difficult and/or 
   relatively-easy - - - for them to cooperate in fulfilling the Spectrum-of-Essential-Purposes 
   that are consistent with the Core-Purposes-of-the-Work-Shop.

2. Openly-and-Honestly-Describing the PERVASIVE-BUT-OFTEN-TACIT: Assumptions, Perspectives, 
   Attitudes, Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Virtues, Goals, Hopes and Expectations - - -
   which will tend to block and/or undermine the participants' efforts to fulfill the Purposes-

3. Openly-and-Honestly-Describing the variety of activities in which the Work-Shop-Participants
   need to engage; for example: Study, Research, Meditation, Writing, Publishing, Role-Playing,
   Community-Involvements, Objective-Systems-Analyses, Reflexive-Systems-Analyses, Time-Budgeting, 
   Financial-Budgeting, Attention-Budgeting, Listening-to-Different-People, Confirming-Messages-
   Received, and the Evolution of Communal-Consensuses regarding Long-Term-Sustainable: Ideals,
   Values, Principles, Virtues, Life-Styles, and ways of Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts - - - 
   among the members of the Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth; Essentially-
   Isolated as it is - - - from Material-Resources that are most like the Most-Coveted-Material-
   Resources which are Being-Exhausted within Space-Ship-Earth; e.g., Usable-Forms-of: Oil, Coal, 
   Natural-Gas, Organic-Matter, Uranium, Thorium, Relatively-Pure-Minerals, Air, Water, Ice; etc.
   There are only FINITE-AMOUNTS of each of the above,  within Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth!
   Be-Aware!  - - -  AND BEWARE!!

4. Openly-and-Honestly describing the Non-Sustainable-Natures of Many-Patterns-Of-Exponential-
   Growth that are being driven by Mortals-Now-Alive within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated-
   Space-Ship-Earth - - - and How-Alienative-Patterns of Non-Sustainable-Growth Will-End-in-CHAOS - - -
   if they are not Mitigated-Intentionally-by-Mortals-NOW-ALIVE - - - letting-go of GREED as a TRAGIC
   Major-Motivating ALIENATIVE-FACTOR!