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We need to make   INTENTIONAL-TRANSITIONS FROM    mind-sets and conceptual-frameworks
which thoughtlessly accept myths about the Redemptive Powers of:

Violence        Coercion       Domination      Attacks        Secrecy     Mysteries

Pretensions     Dishonesty     Arrogance       Power          Wealth      Magic

Greed           Hoarding       Certainty       Enthusiasm     Authority   Technologies


New-Thoughtful Mind-Sets and Often-Accepted-Frameworks - - - which are Based-Upon - - -
Robust, Accurate, and Long-Term-Sustainable Descriptions of the Inter-Relationships 
between Alienative-Conflicts - - - and the Dysfunctional-Avoidance of FEARED:


    Mitigations of our Alienative-Conflicts,

        Being-Graciously-Together in Shalom's-Many-Diverse-Ways,
            Healthy-Sexual-Relationships in Love's-Integrative-Ways,

                Hospitable-Generosity in Enjoying-Creative-Reconciliations,

                    Affirmations of Mutually-Complementary-Clusters of Ideals, Values, Etc.

                        SUSTAINABLE: Values, Principles, Virtues, Visions, Hopes, Etc.