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Domineering-Bullies focus far more attention upon: negations, denigrations, 
generating-alienations and augmenting-alienative-conflicts; than upon - - -

Offering Helpful-Alternatives and Affirming Reliable-Descriptions of:

 1. Healthy-Intimate-and-Honest-Personal-Relationships,
 2. Healthy-Sexual-and-Honest-Personal-Relationships,
 3. Present-Integrative-Processes,
 4. Present-Integrities within Persons and Communities,
 5. Essential-Foundations for the above realities,
 6. Systems-Analyses of both Objective-and-Reflexive Essential-Relationships,
 7. Tragic-Causes of Alienative-Conflicts,
 8. Tragic-Clusters of Misleading: Ideals, Values, Principles and Virtues;
 9. Reliable-Clusters of: Ideals, Values, Principles and Virtues - - - that are Long-Term-Sustainable;
10. How to Build-Sanctuaries - - - for all Members of the Crew of Space-Ship-Earth To-Enjoy-Together;
11. How-to-Survive within God's-Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth which is Essentially-Isolated
    from All-Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources that are Most-Like the Most-Coveted Material-
    Resources Now-Being-Depleted within Space-Ship-Earth.
12. How-to-Let-Go-of: Preoccupations with Alienative-Conflicts and their Alienative-Realities.
13. How-to-Let-Go-of: Trying to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception.

Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters Generate-and-Augment Alienative-Relationships-and-Alienations by:

 1. Introducing into other people's Personal/Reflexive  intimate-Relationships efforts to Try-To: Own, 
    Control, Regulate, Change and/or Destroy those Relationships in Violation of Constitutionally
    Protected Communication-Rights.

 2. Taking Control of God's Astronomically Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth's Most-Coveted Material-Resources - - -
    to use them in ways which will Maximize their own Personal-Concentrations-of-Wealth-Power-Influence 
    and Egocentric-Self-Esteem.

 3. By being insensitive to, unaware of and indifferent to Constitutionally-Protected Rights of Poor
    and Vulnerable people - - - within their own communities of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated

 4. By Being insensitive to, unaware of and indifferent to the Universal-Declaration-of-Human-Rights
    within God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth - - - Formulated by the UNITED-NATIONS therein.

 5. By being insensitive to, unaware of and indifferent to the Millennium-Development-Goals of all of
    the Nations-United within the United-Nations of Space-Ship-Earth; Tiny-and-Isolated as it is.

 6. Being insensitive to, unaware of and indifferent to the high present-and-long-term overall-costs
    of the inevitable consequences of Space-Ship-Earth's Crew's patterns of POLLUTION OF: Air, Water,
    Soils, Lakes, Rivers, Seas and Oceans; e.g., due to Global-Warming and Oceans Rising-into the
    Multitude of Mega-Cities on Ocean-Coast-Lines where the vast majority of poor and vulnerable
    people have been unjustly been concentrated by the Greedy-Actions OF Domineering-Bullies who have
    often been In-Control of where people are permitted to live.