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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DESTROY DEVIL PEOPLE THINGS WRITINGS BOOKS PLACES+020813 %BUILDINGS RELIGIONS CITIES STATES GOVERNMENTS GOD+020813 %COERCION VIOLENCE STICKS STONES ARROWS GUNS BOMBS+020813 %AIRPLANE MISSILE NUCLEAR WEAPONS MUTUALLY ASSURED+020813 %DESTRUCTION DISINTEGRATION CONSERVED QUANTITY SIN+020813 %ENERGY MOMENTUM CHAOS ENTROPY RELATIONSHIP REJECT 020813 Can "evil" be destroyed through the use of coercion, violence, sticks, stones, arrows, guns, bombs, missiles, etc? That depends upon whether "evil" resides within "things" which can be destroyed through the use of coercion, violence, sticks, stones, arrows, guns, bombs, missiles, etc. --- without thereby creating more evil than existed before they were used. Is "evil" a "conserved quantity" like energy, liner momentum, angular momentum, charge, baryon number, lepton number, etc. in the very successful work of physicists who describe objective processes through the use of many such conserved quantities. Is "evil" an expanding quantity which is constantly increasing in the universe, like entropy which measure the amount of chaos = disorder within a given volume of space? Can "evil" be reduced/mitigated in any understandable way? Some people believe that "evil" can and does reside in particular people, things, places, writings, buildings, etc. They often seek to destroy "evil" by destroying those people, things, places, writings, buildings, etc. in which they believe "evil" resides. Usually the process of destruction engenders more evil than was perceived as "present within" what is destroyed. It is more helpful to view evil as an aspect of dysfunctional RELATIONSHIPS between two or more people. The "evil" aspect is intimately connected with: alienation, estrangement, misunderstanding, ignorance, prejudice, etc. Might evil be destroyed by destroying the people who are involved in the evil relationships --- without thereby engendering even more evil in consequent relationships? Might evil be transcended through peacemaking and conflict resolution involving the participants now in the evil relationships --- without thereby engendering more evil in consequent relationships? Which is more likely to succeed? What does the evidence of history say about the relative probabilities of success; especially when all the non- violent-revolutions of liberation of the 1980s are given due consideration --- in light of the fact that those non-violent-revolutions liberated the majority of all humans then alive. See "The Powers that Be" by Walter Wink for more details. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================